Join in here and discuss all the weekend action for the 2010 Watkins Glen cup race.Robby Gordon returns to the orange #7 Speed Factory Toyota on Sunday. Please note, a second car for PJ Jones will attempt to qualify this weekend. The #07 of Jones will sport the black colors.Also, the In-car camera will be provided for Robby Gordon by directv.Here is the weekend schedule for RGM at the New York track.


 Practice           12:00pm - 1:50 pm/et   ( 33rd Quickest )
 Happy Hour        4:10pm - 5:30 pm/et   ( 29th Quickest )

Practice Live Leaderboard


 Qualifying          11:10am -  1:30 pm/et  ( 15th Quickest ) * PJ starts 39th *


 Raceday           1:00 pm/et , greenflag at 1:18 pm/et  ( WINNER! & PJ 2nd )

Dont forget live raceday chat will be available & live track updates via  PLANETROBBY TWITTER


                                                              Robby Gordon Watkins Glen Top 5 F.A.Q.

                                                                            1) Souvenir trailer ?
                                                                            2) What Chassis ?
                                                                                Infineon 2nd Place
                                                                            3) Who is the crew chief ?
                                                                                Miles Stanley
                                                                            4) Who is the sponsor ?
                                                                            5) Will Robby Test for Montreal ?

                                                                             2009 Watkins Glen  Images

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On a seperate topic, BJ Baldwin is on Speed right now, I think the show is called Intersections
The biggest change , aside from the paving of the kitty litter, is the new practice schedule. its an impound type schedule(although not an impound race ). So, expect to see all racetrim runs until the last part of happy hour.
I feel your pain fire instructor. But Rob is like crack. You try to put him down but you always go back to him. Did anyone go to the Rob trailor last year at WG? We went the first day and asked where all the merchandise was and they said they were getting a shipment in later in the day or the next day. There were no coozies, no nice hats it looked like stuff you would buy from a street corner. The next day same thing. We are supposed to get a shipment in sometime. Needles to say we spent some money but never saw any shipment come in.

It was pathetic.
Yes I grabbed a couple shirts but it was what it was. I have defended to the teeth Robby and his signing and "being there" against the likes of Jeff Gordon who don't even show up at the shop. Now i'm taking a pounding up the back straight about him "blowing his fans off". That's what i'm dealing with a bunch of assholes getting one up on me and I have nothing ....nothing to defend myself with. Not until Monday hopefully, until then my friends click on the left bar and enjoy some real history.
How many times do we forget that Robby is not running a full schedule or the fact that Robby's car has been sponsored by for the last month (no outside funds)? Nemecheck doesn't have a souvenir trailer, does he? Until Speedfactory is picked up by a network or a new sponsor comes along, I think the operators of the souvenir trailer are laid off.

As far as Saturday is concerned, just look forward to qualifying and forget the NW race. That ship has sailed.
Bon voyechy
Boris Said said this week the owner of the 26 ownes him a bunch of money. Perhaps that guy and Beth Ann have the same financial planner?

Did Rob ever get his cash from BAM or did Beth Ann drive off with her middle finger in the air?
i guess i missed this story line. sorry. quick recap anybody? thx.
Robby is owed a bunch of money from BAM, and without other sponsors taking up the slack, he is having to run a bunch of races out of pocket.
LOL - I was thinking the same thing!
A great discussion thus far, but alas, have you all forgotten the topic of Robby winning this week? He will win. He will keep it clean and pit at the appropriate times. As for the trailer issue - to a fan that goes to the track it is inexcusable and for the merchandise, he has some, just look on the internet. 3 different COT cars in 1/64 that he ran last year. Need Monster gear? Go to the boardwalk in Ocean City, NJ this year. As for this weekend's focus. You all better concentrate on the the win Robby will have this week - Justice will be served, then and only then will the CHASE drivers in all thier smugness have to put up with cameras and interviews with Robby Gordon. Mike Helton might just puke this weekend, or he might just find a way to steal the win from him, like in Canada.
Robby should get plenty of TV Time this weekend.


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