Join in here and discuss all the weekend action for the 2011 Charlotte cup race. RGM will run 2 cars at Charlotte, the #7 for Robby Gordon & the #77 for Scott Wimmer. Here is the weekend schedule for RGM at the North Carolina track.


 Practice               3:30pm - 5:00pm/et   ( TV - SPEED )
 Qualifying             7:00pm - 9:00pm/et   ( TV - SPEED )

Practice Live Leaderboard


 Practice           11:30am - 12:15pm/et   ( TV - SPEED )

 Happy Hour      12:50pm -  1:50pm/et    ( TV - SPEED )


 Raceday              6:00 pm/et , greenflag at 6:15 pm/et  ( TV - FOX )


Dont forget live raceday chat will be available & live track updates via  PLANETROBBY TWITTER

                                                               Robby Gordon Charlotte Top 4 F.A.Q.

                                                                            1) Souvenir trailer ?
                                                                            2) Who is the crew chief ?
                                                                                Miles Stanley
                                                                            3) Who is the sponsor ?
                                                                               Sams Mart / Harris Teeter
                                                                            4) What Chassis ?

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Mark, maybe I missed something. Do you own this site? Do you control the content, set the terms, and pay the bills? I don't. It's not free and it takes someone's time to maintain. You and others seem to feel you are entitled to an 'open' forum where you can state anything you want. There is no freedom of speech in private forums. If only I was the site owner.

There are hosting services out there where you can create and manage site. All the negatives posters can wallow in your disappoint and anger. Maybe you can start a 'top 10' list of unknowledable things RG should do to win in NASCAR.
I think we would all be happy if we just didn't read the negative posts or just shake them off and not take so much offense. That or put a sign on the homepage that says, only positive posts allowed. Or get a negative connotation detector and have it automatically delete posts by a frustrated fan that might ruin your day. There's no point in attacking negative comments, let people say what they have to say. If ya don't like it then just shrug it off, they're on a computer half way around the world, who cares. If someone says something I don;t like over an internet forum, who cares? It's not like they're saying it to my face or personally attacking me.

People make fun of me all the time for being a Detroit Lions fan and a Robby fan, people have laughed at me at the track. But do I care? No. Shrug it off, live your life and stop letting forum posts bother you. I have never said what I think RG should do, I just post what's on my mind. I thought that's what this place was for, guess I was wrong.
I'm starting to find this whole issue rather comical.
I don't like the new 7 on the car what do you eletist think of that?
Big dog multi-millionaires appreciate and pay big bucks for knowledgable, educated, and experienced opinions. They usually don't have time for others because they are too busy doing their job and working on their next million.
First, you spelt elitist wrong. LOL - I couldn't help it. How's that for an elitist?

Opinions on number style, color, make, etc are a lot different then some of the things that are said on here.
Oh ! Is that something like i before e accept after t? Is there anything else I've done wrong that you find unacceptable? By the way thats spelled not spelt.
I think we're getting a little carried away here, maybe we should back this down a bit. Myself included.
That's funny! All in good fun.

Thanks for the correction. Just looked it up and spelt is used by the British as the past tense for spell. I'm 100% American so I got it wrong.
I before e except after c
I know(sarcasm)
or Peiroli


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