Join in tonight as Robby attempts to charge to the front from his 36th starting position.

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Any sponsor that comes on board should want to know if there will be a 2nd team...then they would get some better results. ( I hope)
True, but they would be more inclined. Hell, look at the POS team!
They make so many adjustments...I think after 3 stops they don't know which end is up..............

Robby needs to stf up and just drive
Hey...I thought I was the only Robby fan in Fishers!? Good to see you on the board.
They will screw up the second team too. Robby will play the cc for that one also.
I dont think you'll have to worry about the "second team".............Team number one is no where near competative.......
we might as well get walter to join the race chat, he does not have any thing else to do during the race
one word BULLSHIT!!!!
Typical.... sucks on restarts also!
7 laps after restart and almost a half lap down
Wow....that's about all I can say...........


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