Has Chris come over to the Dark-Side...lol.If not then let's all be here to Bitch...Gripe ...Celebrate...(hopefully).Lokk forward to seeing alot of long lost...(well only for a week) friends.Cheers here's to a great race !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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good move pitting. PLENTY of time left.
You think it will work out, Tog?
I think he is a tenth place car, so he needs 14 spots.
Walter says we'll either look good or like Dummies together
At least they are still in good humor.
Just need no cautions and a long green run. He will be fine.
This is so unlike last nights race...
He did the same thing to Gene last year if I remember correctly. Turned out to cost him.
for those who are unaware RG just pitted. Took 4 tires,& put on his Bazai bandana.
My man can see the front,& he's going on a kamakazee run.
talking about getting his nuts cracked... I must have missed part ot that,lol
Run with squirrels...get your nuts cracked.


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