Ok ok....I know this is completely crazy but I couldn't help but to wonder what role Robby has in Roush's current success. Consider, Greg Erwin is currently the crew chief for the hottest Roush team having rebuilt the #16 team from a mid pack after thought into a title contender. One the nascar.com homepage, it has a feature about Chris Andrews who heads up Roush's engineering dept.

I know, I know...completely ridiculous but hey..its something to talk about.

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Yeah theres somebody else that came from the 7, & went to the 16 not that long ago.
Can't remember his name, but I heard he was pretty damn good at his gig. Not afraid to jump in, & tackle other tasks either. Maybe you know who I'm talkin about Stanley, since your a Biff fan.
I was thinkin Rob should get a deal with nascar institute. take on grads,& fire them to go other places when they get too good at their job. Either that, or get like labor ready as a sponsor. They could do ads like "we don't just put our name on the car, we staff the team". I mean, the stops would suck, but it's good for dollars. Robby likes money, right?


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