Just for fun, what do you as the fans think about RGM's 2009 plans. Several scenarios have been presented, and it's no secret now after the GEM suit that Robby will sell or merge his team.

So what do you think?

#1 - Robby merges with DEI, Inc driving the #7 Jim Beam Chevy in 2009

#2 - Robby merges with Penske driving the #7 Jim Beam Dodge in 2009

#3 - Robby merges with Yates driving the #7 Jim Beam Ford in 2009

#4 - Robby stays and drives again for RGM in 2009 with engines from Penkse

#5 - Robby hires Riggs and has a 2-car team in 2009 with engines from Penske

#6 - Robby pulls off a winter deal and merges with MWR for 2009 with Toyota

#7 - Robby merges with Ganassi for 2009

#8 - Robby merges with Stewart /Haas Racing in a Chevy for 2009

#9 - Robby & Menard join forces becoming Robby/Menards Racing (RMR) in 2009

#10 - Robby drops out of Top 35, misses Daytona, struggles and finally closes team

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WHY WOULD YOU EVEN PUT #10 AS AN OPTION!? Geez, man, get a grip. lol

I would like to see either #4, #5, (as long as he can survive) or #9 happen.

Merging with MWR?! Man I hate that guy.
Well theres a lot of variables here zoom,& I think you know that. #1, 3,& 9. I don't think the DEI thing holds a lot of water, unfortunately. All sources indicate John,& Paul Menard are headed to RYR. Now whether Robby goes that way or not depends on one thing. Is John buying into RYR, or is his sponsorship simply headed that way, with his son? If he's buying, I bet Robby's in on it. Driving, not so much. Robby's not interested in having a boss again, partner yes, boss no. There again, why would Robby jump into the hole @ DEI John's departure created. If it ain't good enough for John, it's not good enough for Robby. #2 What does Roger have to gain by merging with Robby? Unless it was worked out where Robby buys in,& the 7,& 77 are run out of RGM. Something like that, maybe. #4. Very likely, I think Robby has more capital than most think. I think he'd be just fine with taking on another year as the most stuborn guy in nascar. The one that won't give up. #5. Likely, but I'm not sure that pkg is still available. # 6,7,& 10...Fugetaboutit, ain't happnin....well the last part of 10 anyway. #8. Now this one is my personal favorite. Allthough, I'd like to see Robby buy the Haas side of that business, to become Stewart Gordon Racing. I don't think Tony will be getting any stepchild motors from HMS. EVERYBODY knows what Tony expects,& if he doesn't get it, he may wreck every HMS car on the track, on wkly basis. Tony,& Robby together may be the most volitile/dangerous combination in motorsports. Oh yeah, Ryan would prolly do pretty well too.
Keep Haas around...he has Menard style deep pockets. Stewart-Haas-Gordon Motorsports has a ring to it.
Nice - SHaG racing.
Mike intersting views...my take on the DEI situation as to why? Not saying it's gonna happen, but what does make it appealing...Richard Childress. Getting engines form the Childress Earnhardt alliance will be better next year with a full season under their belt. Childress seems almost wanting to help Teresa out in honor of his old friend Dale. I also think Robby is a much better driver than Paul Menard, yet look where Paul is in the points 28th and 300+ over Robby (imagine if Robby had his car all year). Pecking order...with DEI & RCR's alliance they will be good cars & motors. Robby would be just behind Truex. Chevy...with Hummer as his off road...just make things easier. DEI will have the #15 & #01 both locked in next year...the #01 has no sponsor. Gordon could easily slide into that team. Resources & Information, Robby would have 4 times the resources he does now.

I see alot that would be very appealing to Robby. Now whether it happens or not...???
I am comfortable with that Mike. I cannot see RG going back under another owner again. I think if he and Tony get together it should be TNT racing, Trouble and Trouble.
Big Z, I'm def not sayin a merger w/ DEI would be bad, I just don't see it hapening. Especially if John's not there. I'd love to see Rob back in a Chevy. I think the RCR/DEI engine pkg would be the best thing Robby could get himself into. I think any kind of guidence Robby would get from RC (even in a round about way) is in his best interest to take. I *KNOW* Robby doesn't want to work for anyone again. I know the GEM deal appeared as if RG was going to work for someone, but that didn't happen did it. Ever play poker Z? Ever seen Robby play? Right now I think Rob's got some great cards in his hand, he can go a couple ways with them. How he plays them, has everything to do with who raises, who stays, & who folds.

Oh Roush, I'm diggin the TnT
I'm with ya on RG's poker play too. He isn't gonna show his cards yet.
Here's my blow by blow take...

#1 - Robby merges with DEI, Inc driving the #7 Jim Beam Chevy in 2009
- Great! I think a top 20 finish is possible and a win or two

#2 - Robby merges with Penske driving the #7 Jim Beam Dodge in 2009
-Great as well. Probably a slightly better option than DEI, thought not by much. Guaranteed road course win next year..put it down.

#3 - Robby merges with Yates driving the #7 Jim Beam Ford in 2009
-Ok.... like the Roush relationship but being Roush Jr. doesn't seem to equal success
#4 - Robby stays and drives again for RGM in 2009 with engines from Penkse
- Bad decision...will be a repeat of the last two years
#5 - Robby hires Riggs and has a 2-car team in 2009 with engines from Penske
- See above
#6 - Robby pulls off a winter deal and merges with MWR for 2009 with Toyota
- No way in hell.....
#7 - Robby merges with Ganassi for 2009
- Yuck...might as well stay RGM. Ganassi may be good in the future but if you can't in with JPM then your stuff sucks
#8 - Robby merges with Stewart /Haas Racing in a Chevy for 2009
- That would be pretty cool. I know Tony likes Robby. I like being Hendrick Jr. over Roush Jr.
#9 - Robby & Menard join forces becoming Robby/Menards Racing (RMR) in 2009
- Would be better than staying put as RGM but still would need a few years to build it up. John never had much success consistently in CART....I would not like this unless they bought into an existing team
#10 - Robby drops out of Top 35, misses Daytona, struggles and finally closes team
-Could happen if Robby doesn't sell now.

I know lot of you like like the fact that Robby owns his own team but I've got to be honest, these last 4 years have been the most trying years in being a Robby fan. Knowing that pretty much he has no chance of making the chase or winning races. Celebrating when a top 25 finish is attained.....I strongly feel that if Robby is serious about his career as a driver....he's got to do this. As an owner...he can always start up or buy a team after his driving days are done. I think his career in Nascar hinges on him making a good decision now. With the economy, RGM will not survive 2009. Just my opinion.
Lance, did you not notice that he was gradually moving up in the standings until this year? As new single teams go, he's had moderate success each year until 2008. How many of the newer go-or go-homers can say that?
You left one off...what about the possibility of merging with Red Bull? He has a good past relationship and they have talked about adding a third car. He would have big backing and his "boss" so to say would be in Europe.


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