Just for fun, what do you as the fans think about RGM's 2009 plans. Several scenarios have been presented, and it's no secret now after the GEM suit that Robby will sell or merge his team.

So what do you think?

#1 - Robby merges with DEI, Inc driving the #7 Jim Beam Chevy in 2009

#2 - Robby merges with Penske driving the #7 Jim Beam Dodge in 2009

#3 - Robby merges with Yates driving the #7 Jim Beam Ford in 2009

#4 - Robby stays and drives again for RGM in 2009 with engines from Penkse

#5 - Robby hires Riggs and has a 2-car team in 2009 with engines from Penske

#6 - Robby pulls off a winter deal and merges with MWR for 2009 with Toyota

#7 - Robby merges with Ganassi for 2009

#8 - Robby merges with Stewart /Haas Racing in a Chevy for 2009

#9 - Robby & Menard join forces becoming Robby/Menards Racing (RMR) in 2009

#10 - Robby drops out of Top 35, misses Daytona, struggles and finally closes team

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#1 except he will still be RGM with everything supplied to him from DEI.
Can't have that...Robby would still be making bad decisions
Not comfortable with DEI. Don't trust Teresa.
But it will be different! He'll have his own team, driving a Ford! With support from Rousch/Yates!!! We haven't seen that before!
No, thats sarcasim.
Its looking like the scenario for next year could be..........out of nascar and on dancing with the stars...lol
Hey i'd watch just to see if he can shake his booty. Maybe that is what he needs to do to attract sponsors. Or maybe he could wear Jim Beam plastered across his ass. LOL
Jim Beam Fruit of the Looms!! I would watch!
Robby would do it typical Robby style. He'd tell the "dancer" how to dance,& the panel how to judge. Might be good TV.
Either 4 or 5, but nothing else. The Menard option is out - Paul is going to Yates and the Yates deal probably left a bad taste in Robby's mouth, so that merger or any deal would be out. I hope Robby wins that lawsuit he just filed - he can't afford another $million dollar hit. Joan


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