Join in today as Robby makes his way to the front of the field at Martinsville. Robby had a good car in happy hour and is confident a top 20 can be had today.Race starts at 1:30pm and is on ABC.

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And since he ws a big asshole to start with OUCH OUCH OUCH
no one likes this guy, so I wonder if it was one of the butlers what "fixed" the bidet? Everyone's had a good laugh over this one
Hey Vass, it's you and me to the end, or am I the last "man"so to speak, standing? Robby sounds tired....
Hey Christy! I am checking in here and there! Still cheering for Harvick!
Yeah, I just hate to be alone, ...oh no thats just at night at home. ( I live "in the country" with the closest neighbor unable to hear me scream), lol
I guess the only screaming most of us did today was, "DAMN DAMN DAMN!"
FL still here. I never leave until the clock reads :00
Upstate NY still here too. Poor Robby!!!
I'm here as long as I can keep this freakin' router booted and running. I have a feeling El Beast is causing my problems with his f*ckin MYSPACE IM program.
Is this not your computer?? Tell the beast's dad to get him his own!
He is on his dad's desktop in the other room but I think his stupid IM sh*t is either crashing the router or knocking me off. I don't know what else could be causing it, I haven't had that problem to this extent ever before.
As long as the problem is resolved when we all get together later! We have missed you the last few nights. Want me to send you an email with the time?


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