I'm going to jump in here while this site is brand new.
RobbysUprising was a pretty good place until a huge pissing match broke out about "negative" posts. There were a lot of loyal Robby fans who didn't want to hear any criticism of Robby or his team.
Sorry, but that's bullshit.
Most of those accused of being negative on RuR were expressing their frustrations and stating it how they saw it. There is absolutley NOTHING wrong with pointing out faults with the driver (and his team) that one chooses to follow.
I'm hoping we don't get into the same kind of mess here. If you don't like a comment made by another member here, then just ignore it and move on. If it gets to the point where you don't like anything posted, then find somewhere else to go. DO NOT try to tell me, or anyone else, that we may be any less of a fan because we criticise Robby or his team - that's part of being a fan. Sure, our ranting and raving won't make RGM have any better results, but neither will blind devotion and fawning.
Let's all keep it real.