After hearing Robby say he has an announcement for next Friday does anyone want to guess what that will be?

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He's adding a third car for Ken Block to run at the Glen and Sonoma.
sponsorship no dought relating to cup AND..........
I say he is announcing Monster along with Menards are going to sponsor his Indy run this year...
Id say some thing regarding Polaris and a tenitive out line for this years races, maybe another sponsor Joining the team?
Monster drag boat
Polaris Big Wheels!
LOL... I like that.. RG will race anything.
Well it's probably a cup sponsor announcement seeing that the #7 will be at the track for every race this season as of Daytona.
He's announcing he will be Michael Waltrip's designated driver for 2010
Did Robby make any hint about who would be driving the car the races where he will have other commitments?
Listen to the media day broadcast on the main page. He pretty much lets the reporters know, that he isnt budging on his info until then.
I'm sorry but I don't see that link.. which is it?


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