Robby its gona race baja 500 2014

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it's still early,the list fills out beginning of the week,just prior.Nothing new with that,except for the qualifying order draw.

Did Robby ever find out what in the tranny failed from last time ?
I think I remember hearing that it was the output shaft and that albins had more than a couple fail on there trans that weekend. Sounded like a parts Metallurgy flaw.
Thanks lets hope its all figured out . There's bulletproof then there's Robby proof lol .
Just heard from Shorty that Robby drew 5th for qualifying . Should be a good spot .
Looks like a cool course this yr . Gonna be run " backwards "

I know this doesn't belong here but I didn't want to start an avalanche of speculation by starting a new thread. Yahoo Sports fantasy racing shows Robby entered this weekend at Charlotte? there must be some kinda glitch because they have 50 or more drivers in the "C" driver category. I wanted to throw it out there but don't want to cause a frenzy.

Frenzy averted.


Here's the complete trophy truck draw order for qualifying .


(Qualifying Order)

5 Clyde Stacy

57 Mike Palmer

98 Gary Weyhrich

3 Mark Post

35 Jason Voss

77 Robby Gordon

50 Zak Langley

85 Justin Davis

53 Jose de Jesus Flores

30 Robbie Pierce

15 Armin Schwarz

33 Todd Romano

45 Gary Magness

91 Troy Herbst

76 Jesse Jones

11 Rob MacCachren

16 Cameron Steele

7 Steven Eugenio

1 B.J. Baldwin

9 Mark Weyhrich

26 Jay Reichert

21 Gus Vildosola Jr

34 Ken Losch

19 Tim Herbst

23 Dan McMillin

72 Robert Acer

39 Ron Whitton

70 Bryce Menzies

18 Juan C. Lopez

83 Luke McMillin

14 Heidi Steele

37 Thomas Greer

pretty good Q draw.How did that happen?!

Even a broken clock is right twice a day lol .


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