No racing news so I started checking out a few things, Does anyone no if any other Racers post on this site? Does the Grey Anti Matter dude look like Kyle Bush, the sun glasses and hood do a pretty good job.....and why do people use glamor shots as aviators? just never understood that one..........

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don't forget tractors....
Now wait a minute there, my bass IS damn glamorous! Dare I say borderline sexy even.
Not on the same level as you MK, but I do consider that a "glamor shot".
....pickin on my fish, your just jealous....

That singing's just a rumor. They NEVER sing, it's very dissappointing. That one tried to eat my thumb though. First time I ever had that happen. I believe the prick tried to smile after it did it too.
Oddly, that uber-awesome picture was taken at the Monterray Bay Aquarium, while I was charging my camera on an open wall outlet before I rode back out to the ALMS race, and then down over the Grapevine that night to catch the IndyCar race at Fontana the next day....
true enough!

Its a shitty ass place to be on a motorcycle in late october when there are high wind warnings, rain and your dumb ass only has your summer riding jacket!
Oddly enough i find this post very interesting and entertaining.
Me too! Although hearing about wild boar hunting would have been entertaining too, esp. when it is a slow news week.
Well I'm glad to see that my BOARING little discussion was well recieved, although sometimes it is hard to detect humor in words written I do apolagize if I offended anyone in what I have said or misspelled......Na not really but I have Boar hunted alot I have killed 1 over 500 pounds the biggest 1 I ever ever taken alive was 250 lbs and the most I have ever caught at once was 7.......As far as the aviators go, I'm still confoozed on the glamor shots and I didn't mean it as pop shot against Grey dude.......but Alan you are much more photogenic(there I go again with spelling) than MK........have a nice day and hope it's not as BOARING as yesterday.............
It's all good, just invite us to the next hog roast.
Hell Yes! Thats what I'm talkin about. 750 lbs of BBQ!


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