Any news for the next Dakar. ?

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Gordini 2 is being used for pre-running the BAJA 500 today. That should complete it's testing before being freshen'd for the 2016 DAKAR. The big question is who'll be racing it.Stay tuned.

Beauty ...

and the Beast ... jeje

Sweet! 2 fine race machines right there!!

Robby could possibly ... wishful thinking here ... enter both this weekend ... Lady Gordini is a proven Trophy-Truck killer ... let her run ... Free Lady G ... jeje

We can dream right? I'll be happy when she's back at the shop getting spruced up for the big dance!

She'll be needing a license plate to race DAKAR ... and Arizona vanity [ Gordini_2 ] would be 2 too many characters ... anyone have a suggestion???

Regular (full size 6” x 12”)
1 Plate Issued (2 if personalized)

No fee required. No special requirements. Available to everyone. May be personalized with maximum of 7 characters. May be ordered online.

Also available with a disability symbol.


Doesn't have a chance given the current engine package. With a TT engine it'd be fun, but not the SST engine. Sponsors care about wins.

Now if they can only stop breaking down...jeje jeje jeje jeje jeje jeje

One of those trucks has never broken down.

Nice to see pics of the Anaheim shop

Sorry for not getting it but, you always end your replies with...jeje, what does this mean or stand for?

It's the Spanish equivalent of "haha" or "lol"...


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