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Interesting reading. Fly maybe you will know. The chassis seems very silver in color, maybe it's just the photo? Does Feld Chassis build their trucks with Mild Steel? Because DOM and Chromoly are a darker color.

It was my understanding that NASCAR does not allow chassis to be built with Chomoly and they cant be TIG welded. Only MIG. Does Monster Trucks have a similar requirement?
Total waste of time and effort. Paint the cage, put it in a park and let the kiddies play on it.
It should pay off at least with the marketing and all the toys etc. I never see an empty seat at a Monster Jam either!
2" .120 DOM..... It's just real nice and shinny.
Fly- tell Flan how it's not a waste of time....
Not a waste of time, but it does look like a jungle gym. lol
Naw he'll see for him self.
Very cool thanks Fly!
Soo Cool . Like All The RGM Boxes Too !
I don't get the monster truck thing. 3 seconds of thrills? Run over a bunch of '63 Studebakers? Not my bag.

But if RGM is going monster truckin' I'm sure it will be a nice piece. Not busting on the build effort just the direction. Where is Robby going with this? Is he just playing on the side having some fun or is there a bigger mission? Is he trying to attract additional sponsors with the truck that would eventually feed the NA$CAR & off-road effort? Maybe he's tiring of Brian France & co.? Anyone have a clue?
Sponsorship is already there. It's called Monster Energy marketing. Monster Energy in the Monster Jam series ,
Monster Truck racing at the Word Finals is extremely takes skill.

I am sure Monster Energy wanted to build a why would Robby say no?

Plus, I am sure its a blast.


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