Happy Veterans Day to all the Planet People who may have served...

So how about a little roll call.....

Mark Fontenot US Army 1984-1992

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U.S. Navy 1988-1992 - VAQ-141 on board CVN-71 USS T. Roosevelt
US ARMY Military Police 1986-Present
United States Coast Guard. 2002- present Petty Officer First Class
U.S. ARMY 1961-1964- Combat Enginers Thanks
US Army 1988-1990 (one year in Korea on DMZ)
Army Reserves - 1992-1994

Thanks to everyone else who served!
U.S. Navy 1967-1971 USS White Plains AFS-4
Thanks for your service, to this Country. Thanks for keeping our Freedom
USN, PH2, 1974-1982 Guam, Adak, CV-63 It was a privilege to serve this country.
US Army 1995-2000 82nd Airborne 307th Eng
US Army
82nd Airborne
1st/504th 11Bravo
US NAVY 1985-1989
USAF 1971 - 1991


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