Was there a "reason for the departure of Gene from the team. I have my own opinions as well as everyone else, some we most likely share. What was the straw? Are we trying to lure Larry Mac out of his cozy home and back into the game with all this madness? I just can't get a grip on this revolving door anymore. Maybe it's none of my business and I should just roll with this punch like the rest in life.

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Agreed 100% Mike!
with Pocono a write off - staying to work on preps for WG was the only good option.
The reason they are able to stay calm, cool, and collected is because it is not their $$$ that they are dealing with. Often times Robby is dealing with his money, and I don't blame him for using F- Bombs here and there. If I wercked a race car that was purchased with my money I would drop F-Bombs as well, and if it were someone elses money and operation it would be easier to be calm, cool, and collected. RGM- Keep up the hard work and good luck at the Glen.
you are correct sir!
Yep, at the end of the day, this is a results driven business. It's sad to see the revolving door keeps spinning, but it is what it is. I've been saying for years, I'd like to the same CC go to the same tracks twice. Hard to get past the learning curve when you only have one shot @ each one.
Actually, they don't have a shot at any of them. Until RG gives up control from making the decisions from the driver's seat, the CC is just there as a sounding board.

Chad Knauss (or insert top-CC name here) all have type A personalities and so does RG. The issue is the driver needs to TRUST the CC, and provide them appropriate input to help the car. RG certainly doesn't trust his CC, and I'm honestly not sure he's able to provide the feedback necessary to make the car better.

Listen to the #48 radio, then listen to RG. Night & day difference, and one of the few having nothing to do with lack of funding. Those two have a chemistry and understanding between them that's very difficult to achieve, but that should be a goal for every team racing.
Just like Al Davis and Jerry Jones.................the owners gatta let the people that he has entrusted to run the ship.......................run the damn ship.
RG's usually pretty good @ giving the new guy a chance to hang himself. 1st misque, mistake, or call gone bad happens & the owner is back on the radio. The owner is passionate about his business, & like any passion, it's explosive.
Miles will make a great sounding board, too bad he'll never be anything more than titled as a CC here. If he deserves it, we'll prolly see him making winning calls from a Roush box....Jack likes to fish in RG's talent pool.
Here's another huge difference between 48 & 7 is the way the approach changes. Chad is good about working into the race. Very rarely do they make wholsale changes to the 48, Chad is too calculated for that. Rob on the other hand, will change the whole balance of a car in 1 stop.
another big difference between the 7 and 48 is that the 48 unloads with a good set up and they don't have to make wholesale changes. the 7 unloads out in left field and basically stays there from fri through sun even after making numerous wholesale changes
Because Robby has been and always will be the crew chief. Whoever he has on the box is just his puppet to bounce ideas off of. If you have followed Robby long enough you would know this. He micromanages everyone and everything. Whatever dividends that pays in on track performance usually translate to high turnover with people who work for him.
Yea, if only RG was as calm on the radio as the Bush brothers or Harvick or Jr - Come on, that's not it. It is money, money and money.
I can care less about crew chief changes in Nascar. Get through Sunday and I'm happy. Do good and thats even better. Make Beccy Gordon the crew chief I say. Would that be the first woman crew chief? No, that would be Chad Knaus.

After this weekend, only thing that will matter for this fan is the Baja Mil and Dakar - and we gotta wait months for that!!

So long Gene. Maybe we will see you again, if not whatever. No freaking out from me.


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