Today, I march into my local Terrible Herbst Arco AM/PM to restock on my favorite flavor of SPEED product for the entire TOOL family. Mrs TOOL likes the Unleaded, Mini TOOL and I like the yellow, but mostly the Ethanol. Which by the way, my nearest store cant keep enough of (Ethanol)! When I roll in, I buy three to four cases at a time. Since Herbst and their overweight, and underprepped TT's are M sponsored, you cant walk into a Terrible Herbst in Vegas without tripping over some M stussn at tec,h inspection with a clean rig, even after the day before quals. That Hearbst Shark thing looked like a shit box rolling off the trailer. In fact It not only looked filthy, and the team pushing the massive behemoth uphill at Freemont street tech looked likea bunch of bums. Then on track the Shark truck just didnt have the setup period...Boys and girls, I know setups. I sometimes can tell if its the driver, or the setup. I watch closely, and review lots of tape over and over.
In racing, ecpecially at tech Image is everything! You might have a high ranking poential sponsor walkin thru looking for the right, wel represented "TEAM a peronnep" pit there.
Look, I can share storeis about prep and teams overall, I to stay out of it, but after but sometimes tje TOOL has to open his box and rant.
RGM and the car he drove,,,,people i was clean. No dartailed becauseof the day bafore activities. As a perspecive sponor, people notice these little things. These 1500 cars and TT's are npt cheap. I never let my teamshow up looking like a bunch of pige. "IMAGE IS EVERYTHING!) I met Kevin Wilson,and b golly he ws dressed in a polo shit, and was clen cut. Im just dismayed at the "image which is being portraid to our young next leaders.
Sorry for the long rant, I really just wanted to say Terrible Herbst sounds like they might be scaling back.
Time to go now, bud light kivking in and itss dinner time. p.s. didt have tine to spell check.
Thank you for your time, The 153 car looked good at tech.
Thank You


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Glad you had a good time Tool!!

What's really sad about that is they weren't like that before M moved in . They were always 1st class . You'de think with a " big time " sponsor they'de not only perform better but they'de look the part . That thing they call a TT looks like an overweight pig instead of sleek powerful shark . Don't even get me started on the color scheme , black red white and green ? It looks like someone shit a Christmas tree 

Exhibit A

Exhibit B

Apparently the good times continue to roll, Good on ya Tool!! lol.

Man, I should have stayed awake in typing class in the 70's. Im not impressed with my grammar and such with my rant. And after reading it this morning, I realized I missed my point. Sorry gang, we had a long day. We lost one of our dogs (4 legged mini tools), who lost her battle with cancer yesterday and my mind was all over the place. I appologise if I offended anybody.

My point was that the store manager told me that after whats left on the shelf SPEED will no longer be sold at Terrible Herbst here in Las Vegas.

You can't be serious! Say it ain't true! That wouldn't mean all of theTerible Herbst in Vegas would it?

Got the jist of it bud . Even with your incoherent ramblings you made the point . Lol . The Herbst aren't gonna carry SPEED cause they think somehow M is actually helping them . As for you dogs I'm sorry to hear bro , tell Mrs Tool and Mini Tool I send my condolences 

Thanks man that means a ton from where i sit.

No problem bro trying to remember if I saw them when I was there 

1st, sorry about your friend. They are the best! As for the store bagging Speed, try a local mom n pop store and let them know how much you buy. I've had a couple of convenience / delis and as long as there's distribution, getting the product isn't a problem. It sounds like Speed has distribution in your area. Why not ask the person behind the counter at Terrible Herbst where they get it from? They may get it from there warehouse, but not likely. Just a thought.

BTW, maybe with the time Speed has now, they can follow up on the companies that have agreed to sell Speed

Wirtz Beverage AKA WirtzBev

Sorry to hear about the Tailed Tool. Only consolation I can ever find in that situation is, I'm thankful for the time God allowed me to spend with one of his finest creatures. As for Herbst, thats just terrible...So are they ditching rockstar, red bull, & the rest of the usual suspects as well? Or they specificly concerned with the growth of SPEED in that area? If the monster is scared, I kinda like it. Also, if this is the case, Robby & that clean cut Kasey Khane doppelganger are no doubt plotting in the SPEED cave to get a bigger, & better presence in your area.


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