SST Track Layout for LA Coliseum, from the Stadium SUPER Trucks Facebook Page.


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I prefer dirt too. I'd also like to be 25 again.

I prefer pavement ;-)

RG is making this series his own, while at the same time honoring MT. I like the hybrid approach, and if you liked the LBGP why not this? Fast guys are always fast, but it does give the pavement guys a chance to do something too, and a reason to give it a shot. Also a great approach for tire manufactures to race/sell their DOT tires on varied surfaces. The asphalt was a surprise to me, but i've got to wonder about it staying down, I'm sure they've thought that through too.

I wonder how they are going to keep trucks from rolling off on to the concrete stands? Ahh who cares! I'd love to see that!!!

well I guess RG didn't call it SDT (studium dirt trucks), so why not a hybrid approach

Does Anybody know How Much the Off road expo is at the Stadium Super Trucks event

It was $10 at Phoenix unless you had an empty can of SPEED Energy Drink. Then it was FREE and you got a FREE lanyard ticket holder at Phoenix.

Dirt ashpalt concrete and sand . Sounds like a party to me . Can't wait to see it . I'm already getting reved up !!!!

from the pictures and, there's pavement,dirt,sand and concrete. So everyone has their favorite surface. Me, pavement is for racing,dirt is for cat boxes
WJM, dirt is for racing,pavement is to get there
?, Sand for those that like the beach
?, concrete for those that like indoor Midget races.
Can we all be happy now. Robby has all four. Urban Off-Road ;-)

Missing wood! This sucks!! No wood...damn it!!

Wood walls in the arena maybe ? Lol


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