Live raw video feed for SST Test runs..Wed/Thurs

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E-mail feature is working for member's as well. Thanks TOG

The amount of work that is going into this one event is nuts. Watching the live feed I can only imagine how wild the Weekend will be.

Yeah, I really like the feed. Agreed about all the work going into this. Props to everyone who is putting in all this work. Even that TOG guy. ;-)

I take it there's no audio ?

These track crew guys are awesome . To think of all the work that goes into each event is mind boggling .

@JD, I would say it is a work in progress deal....

work in progress. There will be a nice quality feed on Friday, we are sorting out everything.

Just watching 3 trucks running around got the adrenaline pumping. This is going to be amazing racing.

today's Raw feed is up.
don't forget to join and follow SST ,so it will ping your e-mail!

I can't get the feed to load? Any ideas????

I don't think it's running right now cause it won't load for me either and I have been watching all week

Thanks Speed.....???I can give up for now!!!


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