Major penalty coming for the #38? bleeder valves found on the tires

Read this over at jayski's.  It sounds like the #38 could have a 200 point $200,000 penalty coming and could put Robby back in the Top 35!!!



Illegal bleeder valves on the #38 at Pocono? Sources tell Sirius that NASCAR discovered clandestine [secrecy or concealed] air pressure bleeder valves on the tires of Travis Kvapil's #38 Front Row Motorsports Ford Sunday at Pocono Raceway. Following the rain delay, NASCAR officials reportedly observed two soft tires on the rear of Kvapil's car and held him from rolling back onto the track for the start of the race. Closer examination of those tire and wheel assemblies allegedly revealed illegal bleeder valves, which purge excess air pressure from the tires as it accumulates under race conditions. If confirmed, the team would likely face a major NASCAR penalty, since tires are considered to be one of the sanctions "untouchable" items, along with engines and fuel.(Sirius Speedway)(6-8-2010)





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Really? I thought he was still in the hospital....
In one way I would love it if the fine included a huge points hit, it would be great for us and we definitely have been hit with huge penalties in the past. But, I hate the way NASCAR takes such huge swings at the poorly funded and/or new teams. I feel terrible about the Carl Long situation. I just think there should be proportionately of fines/penalties between super teams and regular guys. And if NASCAR has to start here - well it has to start somewhere.
How about 100 points and a two to three race suspension - that is less severe than 300 points, but still gives a strong message and gets Robby back in. I do feel sorry for the little guys though, Carl Long especially. However, this (if true) seems like a calculated cheat and should be punished appropriately.
BLATANT!! By a 3 Car Team.....Get 'Em!!
agreed. Give the other two cars a 100 point penalty out of principal.
If that's the case then NASCAR will be accused of playing favorites and not being consistent.

It's the same rules for everybody, don't cheat.
Sorry about their luck. Mother nature ratted them out.
Comparing the Carl Long situation to this is ridiculous. I truly believe the Long situation was just a worn out engine that measured over limit. This on the other hand is a huge on purpose attempt at cheating. I can not imagine how they pulled this off and Goodyear did not see it when mounting the tires or more than likely they did it after the tires were mounted. I do expect a very large "make an example type" fine and points. How the hell do you appeal something as cut and dried as a blatant attempt to cheat? In the end I do not think Robby will have to worry about qualifying the rest of the year.


Ya I really dont see how you can compare Carl Long to this situation.

Carl Long got his engine from somewhere else, it was an old used worn out engine basically. I dont even think he did anything to it really other than put it in his car.

The 38 team blatently went out and altered the tires. Its not like they were given the tires that way. This is something thats on the same level of the rocket fuel of Michael Waltrip a few years back. But because there is a real safety issue to tires, there NEEDS to be a more severe penalty because of the seriousness of tire blowouts have had in this sport.
It's going to be a record - The S&P's might be ahead of the 38 when it's all over.


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