Hey all they're doing the voting for Miss Mint 400 i say we all vote Taylor Nicole Snyder . Heres why I think she should win

1-She is an actual off-road racer .
2-She really knows the sport and is currently working for SPEED tv
3-She was Featured in Dirt Sports magazine a cple yrs ago

Heres a pic of her reporting for tv and in race gear

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That's why I voted for Taylor she's the best of both worlds hot as hell AND can drive the wheels off lol 

Check out Krackle, she's got my vote. Looks like her dogs had an accident.

What the hell kinda name is Krackle and what happened to Snap and Pop ?

@mj Those are the dogs names.

Temecula is a very nice area, some quality wine comes from there.... but, I'm gonna say KRACKLE is not a preferred Vintage?

Here is an actual Robby Gordon & SPEED Energy fan/supporter in the running. Her boyfriend is a planet member.


K now we got 2 to vote for . Does Jamie know anything about the sport too ? 

she sure does.

K so we double vote lol 

I can say that there are female people I see every day that would "get my vote" and even some that don't. Case in point true story Walmart-Dog Food see nice lookin woman and I say to myself (perhaps out loud i was not paying attention) Any way I say "Now she's dreamy" She then turns my way and (again perhaps out loud) I say "Yep nightmares are dreams to".

Jamie races in a 1600 car in fact she was at BAP 2 weeks ago, helps prep the race car and is team manager for Andrew Neal racing. Helps the checkers the #1 racing team in the in off road racing for 37 years at all there races. She is about the only one on the list that even knows what an off road race is.


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