Robby has always said trucks belong on the dirt any chance Robby will jump in a truck for this race? I think this would be a great place to put SST on the side of a NASCAR vehicle to help promote the SST Series.
Same here on the bashing TOG, thats one specific reason I've been kinda scarce. I'm a motorsports junkie, plain & simple. I get REEEAL tired of mj, & his nazicar hunter cronies' constant bashing. I grew up around stock cars, so nascar(politics, or not) is the big show. Not to mention, if it weren't for nascar, I'd never have met RG, never got to hang with him, & I definitely wouldn't be as big of a fan. Being from the midwest, my only previous exposure to off road was a few show trucks, & the fact I thought Ivan Stewart was frickin awesome. After I started following RG, I started looking at O-R events again. Most are like 1000 miles away, so kinda hard to attend. But, I followed online. Thanks to myspace(throwback, I know), I was one of BJ Baldwin's 1st "friends". He proved how awesome he is by answering ANY question I had, that I left for him. So ya, I claim #2 Ballistic fan on here, behind Terie V. I finally got to witness my 1st off road event this yr courtesy of the TORC series, @ Rt 66. Got to meet Rob Mac, Casie Currie, the Jenkins bros, & (drumroll please) Travis Pastrana...awesome night. Did I mention it was a companion event to CTS @ Chicagoland? So anyway, long story a lil less long, NASCAR brought me all that much closer to off road...created an even more passionate race fan out of me. So STOP F'N HATING, YOU CLOSED MINDED FREAKS! You don't like nascar, or stock cars, or asphalt in general...I don't like peas, mayo, or that pos muslim sleeper cell some of you call a is your point? Get the f'k over it already.
@Mike,I strongly dislike Brian France and the show he has ruined, yet every 'CUP' weekend we a here to host chat for CUP races.
I enjoy the genre of stock car racing as much as the next guy. I must,I have alot of money tied up in the trailer.
Sunday chat is pretty fun,there aren't people hating becouse Robby was parking or braking or uncompetative.
So, see you Saturday for Henderson?
I'm working, & have a few other things brewing...but it could happen.
Geeze Mike, I don't know what ticked you off, but I've got your back for'sur..,us midweasterners have a good history of racing, being a drag racer myself, alot of stuff happened around this the way i hate peas too.../p>
Just tired of poeple jumpin up on my soapbox & ripping the reason I became a fan of RG in the 1st place. I really dig all the hard work that goes in to this site. It's a great product, always has been. I check in for the 1st time in a while, & same old crap. Scott agrees with me on the 1st page of this thread, & then here comes ol yammerbox. I really couldn't care less how much he(or others like him) don't like nascar, stop clogging the threads with it. As for the straight strips, yup, I've got a lil of that in my veins too. Among other things, my dad was a starter for the gold agency back when I was still a lil swimmer. He worked at Oswego, & US30. Also had his own gasser, & wrenched a buddie's there. Later,in the early 80's, he had a shop in Downers Grove. So to clarify, I grew up around engines....was amazed by the butterflies on a holley when I was a toddler. Yes, one of my childhood toys was a 650, lol...I'd freak, & find another(usually dirtier) if he took it away.
Remember when RG took the SST to NYC? People were looking at it like it like it was a TV prop, or some kinda stunt. Hell, it was prolly the only non commercial p/u in the city that day, lol. Do they even have off road fans in New York?
I keed, I keed....doesn't feel real warm when people assault what you like, does it my lil upstate NY friend? I'm done kickin you in the shins, mj...I hope you see my point,& stop being such a nasscrooge(Christmas themed, since I'm in the spirit, lol)
I completely agree with you on that point. However, don't try to sell me on the politics being your only issue. I've read plenty of posts from you about how nascar is a waste of time, etc... yammer yammer yammer, onnn & on. It's patheticly old man. I'm gonna coin a new term I'm sure you'll love. You're an nascaphobe, man. I'm pretty sure I speak for every nascar fan on here when I say we love the sport, not the suits. Like almost every corporate entity, theres greed at the top. It's no doubt hurt the product. However, if it weren't for that very greed, RG wouldn't have left,& you wouldn't have SST's to look forward to, now would you? Just do us all a favor, if you want to hate the suits at the top, write them, & tell them how you feel. Whats that? They don't care? Ya, neither do we...
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