Official Statement From Robby Gordon , Baja 500 Penalty

Robby Gordon’s Response to SCORE’s Alleged Accusations

Charlotte, NC (June 12, 2009) – We are deeply disappointed with SCORE’s decision and reject their claims in the strongest possible terms. We plan an immediate appeal of this unjust decision.
First, SCORE assessed a speeding penalty because it claimed that there was no IRC data between kilometer 77 and kilometer 78. The IRC device on our vehicle worked properly during all other sections of the race course, and Steve Myers from IRC has no explanation why no IRC data exists from that section alone. Our race team has footage of the entire race, and the video below proves that we were not speeding during the section in question (see the link below). Further, the No. 77 Trophy Truck has a speed control device connected to the engine management system that does not allow it to exceed 60 MPH. Please view the link to the video here: This video shows that it took the No. 77 TT longer than 72 seconds to travel the 1.2 miles of highway between km 77 and 78, which is less than a 60MPH average allowed by the rule. Please note that you can hear the pit speed control set at 59MPH.
The pit violations claims are equally invalid. Our team’s stationary pit was in compliance with SCORE International’s 2006-2010 Off-Road Racing Rules & Regulations Book (“SCORE Rule Book”). Rule GPT8 states: “All pits must be at least fifty feet (50’) off the edge of the race course. No pit may be in the first fifty feet (50’) leading into and the first one hundred feet (100’) leading out of any turn.” The location of our stationary pit near mile marker 290 (which included our chase vehicle, pit equipment, and pit personnel) was at least fifty feet (50’) off the edge of the race course and not located in the first one hundred feet (100’) leading out of any turn, in conformity with this rule. As to the other pit-related violations claim, Rule GPT9 states, “All pit services must be done while the race vehicle is at a complete stop. Vehicle may not be serviced while in motion, either under its own power, while being towed, and/or on a trailer. Pit services are to include fueling, tire changes, and/or any other services performed on the race vehicle.” Our vehicle was at a complete stop when fuel was provided to the race vehicle on Highway 1 near San Vincente, again in conformity with this rule.

Furthermore, it should be noted that no rule exists in the SCORE Rule Book that limits pit services to stationary pit locations. Pit services are routinely made outside stationary pits along the race course by drivers and crew members, including, but not limited to, fueling, tire changes, and repair services on the race vehicle. The bottom line is this: our team did not violate any rule in the SCORE Rule Book; therefore, we should not be penalized at all by SCORE for either of these alleged pit violations.

Also, under Rule GP3(9)all competitors who have a course deviation penalty are automatically disqualified. Disqualification is the minimum penalty allowed for a course deviation pursuant to GP3. These results will have to be modified as well.
My win at Baja was made possible by the hard work of my team and the support of my fans and sponsors. I want to assure all of these people that I will do whatever it takes to rebut these charges, clear my name and have my first place finish restored.

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Good old Sal new what he was doing look at all the national PR he has gotten for score, He has been to some of are checker meetings he is a real ASS, that why we race Best of the desert in stead.
I am Glad that Robby is speaking out and not keeping quiet on this issue, I still think he has a good win, I think that SCORE did not do their home work, on this issue. the in car film says it all, I think they were way too hasty in their decision. for the fans I call it a win.
I think some of you need to go to the SCORE site and read their repsonse to his press release and then watch the YouTube video someone watching from Robby's pit posted. There's a penalty for a reason it looks like. It was silly, no reason to pit like that. What was he thinking??? That's what cost him the win. Safety first, no one wants to see anyone hurt or killed.
their response is bs,. i mean, yes they are right about safety, BUT, you can't penalyze for something that is not written in the rule book,. not here nor china,. can't penalyze just from their own judgement,. what they say is an excuse, not base on a rule, they don't adress the penalty to any rule because there is no rule for that,. and that is what robby is saying, that easy to understand,. thats why they didn't penalyze miller and arciero a few years ago, thats why the came up with a new rule,. pitting at full stop, new rule to prevent for that to happen again,. so,.
I am behind on my Baja news I guess, was he stripped of his win?? I knew something was going to come out of that IRC timing device.........crap!!!!
It's just textbook racing. Any series, any track, any course... they don't like you, they will make sure you don't walk away with that trophy.
funny thing is he has the trophy. ha ha score.
77oz, just over a 1/2 gallon!
Have you read what SCORE is posting at their website? it seems there is another rule that they didn't mention at all, and the point they're now making is that no pit is allowed on the race course and/or highway because of safety reasons..., so if SCORE is thinking about safety maybe the race course shouldn't be on the highway at all, and they compare off road racing with NASCAR where pits are always at the same place all the time (remember Rick Johnson in Dust to Glory?) It seems to me that SCORE doesn't want RG to be TT champion, and if that's the case maybe BITD would be a better choice for racing, I live in Mexico and that will mean I won't seem race here, and the sport would suffer for his absence.
BITD is a small Vegas based organization that stresses safey too. They seem to be cash strapped and have cancelled a couple of races in the past year. Robby doesn't seem to have interest in them or SNORE. But they all have rules, just because we don't know all of them, doesn't mean they don't exist. I'd love to see the SCORE rulebook, wonder if it's available to fans?
And if Sal doesn't like Robby, why did he ignore the course deviation and have the complaint withdrawn?? I don't think that's not the problem. Robby could have won without stopping the the road or speeding (if he did) and it just annoys me he does stuff like that. As usual, he was his own worst enemy.
The SCORE rule book is available to anyone at their website you'll have to pay for it I believe. If you watch the video in RG's statement you'll see he wasn't speeding and he didn't stop "on the road" he is well off it to the left hand side and he is at a full stop. SCORE (Sal) didn't ignore anything RG was accused of speeding and a pit violation.
Holy shit......what a bag of crap scores response was.........they are worried about saftey and not only that....creating a rule based on hypotheticals and assumptions? They are worried about their relationship with the Mexican officials??
"How would NASCAR like it if Robby's crew ran out on to the track and serviced his car" Hey SOL, this isn't NASCAR and your race runs through a desert ........The only thing that makes this similar to NASCAR is that a bunch of dipshits are in charge of both..that's it...period..........


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