30 34 Front Row Motorsports 180
31 09 Phoenix Racing 170
32 36 Tommy Baldwin Racing 156
33 32 FAS Lane Racing 149
34 13 Germain Racing 147
35 7 Robby Gordon Motorsports 144
36 21 Wood Brothers Racing 140
37 71 TRG Motorsports 132
38 38 Front Row Motorsports 109
39 37 Front Row Motorsports 106

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No offense, but why does everyone take offense to all the opinions? The only people that should take offense are the people working at RGM. The rest of you should take them as they are. They are opinions... Atleast people are fans (new or old) and coming to the site.. Being postive or negative will not fix the issues at RGM. We could all sign in and praise the living shit out of our favorite driver running 35th (we have for years) and not a damn word will pad the results...
good point.
Your right Chase. We all know that by what we say, positive or negative wont change a thing at RGM. That being said, why cant we give our opinions.......good or bad? If we're here we must be fans. If we're pissed about a 35th. place finish, its because we care.
We are giving our opinions. My opinion is that it's pointless to keep ragging on points position and poor finishes, and occasionally I will state that opinion.

It's no less valid than anyone elses, right?
Very true alan4s. Point well taken also.
You think RGM has it bad. Imagine having a 3 car team running a full time schedule (no S&P cars), Yates/Roush power under the hood and only one car in the top 35. THEY have problems. Goes to show that it doesn't really matter what is under the hood. Some teams are more committed to running a full schedule. Robby is not one of them (maybe he is but due to a lack of funding and desire to run other events he cannot) nor is RGM.

The 21 missed races by choice. If the 7 missed races by choice, most of the members on this site would complain even more. Would you prefer that Robby stick to the original plan with 16 to 20 races and just not show up at the others or run full races in 16 to 20 and S&P at the others and collect some cash to go toward the full race events?

Robby wasn't even supposed to be at Richond or Darlington and should be well outside of the top 35. Once we all except the plan the happier we will be.
I would rather see RG run a competitive part time schedule than to see the finishes we have seen all year (except Daytona). Atleast in 2005 we ran well. We just blew up every week. This new car has killed it for us! IMO!!
IMO, RGM should go to every race so that they get a handle on the aero, suspension, tires and setup for the COT. I don't care if they run the full race or not but if they want to stay competitive getting the car out there and running laps is important. This is especially so with the new splitter and the revolving door changes on the tires from track to track and race to race. Plus showing up keeps them in front of potential sponsership. Does anyone remember who hasn't shown up since Daytona?
Most Logical Rant In Days!
Go Turtle.
I have been along time advocate for using race dates for paid test sessions.Especially since Na$crap's testing policy was put in effect.Let's look at last weeks test.Start with winning purse divided by miles.The 78 gross'd $539 per mile.McDowell in 43rd was at $7546 and Joe at $2388 per as S&P's.
Robby gross'd $610 per mile, completing about 125 miles with qualifying.I'm think'n Robby only leased one set of tires and borrow'd one set of scuff's.RGM ended up trying several things ,mostly improving the performance.The engine is usable for acouple more 'tests' IMO.
Race the races at tracks you enjoy,test at the rest.And don't forget S&P poker and score maximum points within the formula.IMO
Rob's business savvy is legendary and apart from the whole logo issue earlier, he's rarely made a misstep. How RGM survived the cancelled Dakar is still an amazing story. I totally get this is a business for RG.

However, I'm missing RG the race car driver and I'm concerned Rob maintains his racing legacy. I'm not sure riding around in back or doing testing affirms this legacy. Frankly, I'd rather he miss races and then show up with a bad ass car at the good events than limp around week to week. just my .02...as we all know, I don 't know shit...
I think we should start a new group: Don't Know Shit


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