Hate to be the fan to ask this, but been trying to keep updated and nothing, so any help here would be greatly clear up the junk out there on the web. Such as RG sold everything and going into the sunset!!

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Kevin gets it :)

So it was sarcasm... Im getting good at this.


Wow, thinking something like "Titanic" , Jump ship.......

more like butt plug...

What? Roller Pig?

what about a "calendar" tab, next to forum, members, videos, etc?? doesn't have to have a lot of information, just confirmed dates for upcoming events.

I would second this option.


I can only imagine what Ning charges you for their platform fees, how much bandwidth (GB Transfer) and monthly overages. Shouldn't be more than $0.05/GB all depending. Don't ever let this site go away TOG.

Thx for all your effort & work you do!

So no possible audible for Talladega???? No way - no how???? Really??? Next your going to tell me there is no Easter Bunny or Santa Claus. I really hope we get an audible for that one. I would be good with the roadys and the supers and screw the snoozers.

Robby will race again when it makes sense to do so... he's not going to go broke doing this.

In the meantime check this link out to pass the time:


Or update all your RC trucks . Oh wait that's my job lol . Working on my pulling truck now it will soon be up for sale to buy yet another truck lol 

And, hearing theres no information to report is actually information... "OK, cool, theres nothing as of yet, Ill check back next week".


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