So Im about ready to redeem my Tabs for some free speed energy stuff. I have about 200 tabs, so I def have been helping the Speed Energy cause. My question is about the amount of money I include for shipping.

Say I want to get 2 shirts and 2 sweatshirts.

Hats is $7 and $5 for Shirts and $10 for Sweatshirts.

Would I calculate this out as:


Sweatshirts  - $10

Total of $10



Shirts - $5
Sweatshirts - $10

Total of $15



Shirt 1 - $5
Shirt 2 - $5
Sweatshirt 1 - $10
Sweatshirt 2 - $10

Total of $30

Any help would be great, these are going to be the best chirstmas presents around.


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Crap, I noticed the new green cans don't say speed on the tabs

I noticed if the cans come out of the 4 packs they dont have SPEED logo's on them. When they come out of the 24 pack they do.

Think it all depends if they're doing the promo when u order the cases. Order of couple cases in July didn't have logo on the tabs but last order of cases in Sept has the logo. Tab promo was only for hats for couple months but now back to all original items again. Just have to check swag promo section to see what's available.


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