I hope Robby starts an Indycar team. Would love to see him start up an all American team with Graham Rahal (recently announced free agent) and AJ Almendinger.

Would be one fast Yankee team.

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That's all.....to bad

Why we are at it....what about a Speed Energy dragster...during this down time I went to the World Footbrake Challenge at Thunder Valley (Bristol Dragway) three weeks ago and there was 434 entries and this past weekend we went up to London Dragway (London, KY) to watch some Outlaw Pro Mods - the speeds were incredible...being a novice to drag racing I am quickly becoming hooked!

194k viewers....that's remarkably low and, answers why it's so hard to get a sponsor.

A comment and a question:

- Depending on the venue, SST could draw as many as 80,000 *live* - not counting TV viewers...and I would assume it's easier/cheaper for a network to broadcast from a stadium than from a race track. (I have no facts here - but it just seems like common sense given the venue types)

Question: for the marketing folks out there - how much is the DVR changing TV ad revenues? I don't watch many commercials at all any more. Even when I'm watching a live event, I'll pause during the commercials - get up and go do something, then speed through upon my return.

I would think the whole "counting the seconds your brand is on TV" equation is out of balance now?

Now that Comcast owns NBC Universal, you may see more areas where NBC Sports become part of the basic package. I have it and the local cable company is an independent.

@Mr. Lutz: To counteract the advent of the DVR, alot of advertising companies are buying 'mentions' during the broadcasts. Look at what Michael Waltrip does in the booth.. which by the way I feel is a conflict of interest.


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