Who the,,, what the,,, why the,,, heck is Jimmy Spencer on that show??? I couldnt stomach a full episode while listening to that moron...He sat in that chair looking miserable or something else I dont know what. But, his negative comments were noticable even to Chad Knaus. I stopped watching the show late last year because I couldnt stomach the clowns that were there. And so now I could only barely stomach the show this year, and today I turn it on and there's Mr. Spencer!!! No way!
Anybody else feel the same way? Or am I off track here? Just my pennys worth!

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I think you're off base. As a Spencer fan, I don't always agree with him but think that you don't need to throw up over it ;)
I don't mind Spencer so much since he duked it out with Kurt Bush. But as far as the show goes, it sucks big time. I watched it from it's early days but Speed has been targeting a different audience these last few seasons. I don't even turn it on anymore.
I'm with you Tooltime
Show sucks since Kenny Schrader left. Spencer is an idiot, POS is an idiot and I don't get the Kenny Wallace thing at all.
I am becoming a big fan of JPM though. Guess I'll need to hang two flags on race day.
Schrader was/is awesome. I loved his sense of humor. Schrader deserves a better farewell from Nascar than he received. I miss him.

Mikey + Knaus + Biffle or Spencer = 0% chance I'll watch!
Makes you yearn for ol' Mikey. TWIN, with Knanus/Mikey/Biffle is a good show. Seeing Spencer made me ill.
Yearn for Mikey? Aargh!
SDC312, im no where off base as Spences bad tupe is! I would like to throw up on his tupe and have Kenny Wallace wipe it up!!! Kenny Schrader was a good point of view for the show. Vac, I also thought it was cool when Spencer punched Busch in the honker! And Matt youre right POS is a goof on the show. I liked the show when Dave Despain was there. If anyone watched this last show, it was plain as day that Knaus was obviously not having a good time listening to Spencers moronic comments!!! And as sad as this sounds Dave-O I did for a moment wish POS was there instead of whats his name!!!
When the on-air hosts are comprised of has-been or never-was sponsor sluts and no-lube bend over NASCAR man whores what do you expect?

If you want to watch how a 'real' recap show is done tune into F1 Debrief with Bob Varsha, David Hobbs, and Steve Matchett.
HaHaHaHaHa! You have a real way with words, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who's missed your comments on here!
There was always someone on the show that was a complete idiot. Schrader and Benson were the best, but then you had Bestwick and POS talking over each other. Despain is better at all around racing and not caught up in the high and mighty position nascrap sees itself in.

In all fairness to spence, he has picked Robby to win a race or two. He's about the only one other than Larry Mac that has something good to say about our guy.
I think Jiimmy can relate to drivers who occasionally lose their cool.
Spencer has no idea what he is saying. He trips over his words and can't spit out a proper sentence. He acts like he's deep and his words are earth-shattering, but everything he says is shallow and obvious. I could go on but Spencer doesn't need any help in proving that he is a terrible commentator, he does that on a weekly basis.


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