I still dont think that there has been a true owner driver in this series other than robby right now. Tony has a teem that has been running and is basicly in a hendrick car and motor. I think you could have thrown bors said in this car and ran well. (not a knock on boris. love that guy). When another owner driver comes around with all the changes and bs of nascar COT. No one could have done it better. It might take time but I do see Robby getting in the chase with in the next 5 years. I wouild love more sponsors for Robby to run a second car next year, I feel that this would help the team so much more. Just to get more info.

Whats your thoughts

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The thing is that NASCAR has taken a lot of flak in recent years about how the teams are so corporate and whatnot. So to counter that they basically facilitated the morphing of Haas-CNC Racing into Stewart-Haas.

They had their best buddy Rick Hendrick supply the cars. And if you don't think that NASCAR helped find sponsors for Stewart then you're dim--it's no coincidence that Old Spice is the "Official Deodorant of NASCAR" and that Office Depot is the "Official Office Supplier of NASCAR", much like how Lowe's is now the "Official Home Improvement Warehouse of NASCAR" and Kellogg's is now the "Official Breakfast Food of NASCAR"...see a pattern? Who keeps winning these races? Cars that just so happened to be sponsored by NASCAR sponsors...if you don't think that NASCAR penalized Montoya for being "too fast" yesterday so that their Lowe's boy Jimmie or Kellogg's boy Mark or Office Depot/Old Spice boy Tony could win then you really need to wake up and smell the money.

Back to the greater point though. NASCAR has set up this facade of Tony Stewart being an "owner/driver" so they, and the good old boys club of DW, Larry Mac, Hammond, et al, could sit their and parade around what a "feel good, grassroots racin' " story it is that Stewart is doing so well. And to try and silence the critics of the corporatization of NASCAR.

Now don't get me wrong, I love corporate America, I love NASCAR, and I love them together--hell I'm a Sports Business major in school. However, what I don't like is the fakeness of all of this; Tony Stewart is the NASCAR media darling all of a sudden and people act like he is the only owner/driver there is (not that he even is one...). I mean, just last year Tony Stewart called NASCAR "like the WWE" and would not shut up about Goodyear and now all of a sudden he's different? It's because both he and NASCAR are part of an effective monopoly, and now that he's on the take he is happy to shut his mouth.

The problem with Robby Gordon in NASCAR is that he's Robby Gordon in NASCAR. They do not like TRUE owner/drivers as they cannot control them. The only reason NASCAR still lets Robby hang around is to avoid an anti-trust lawsuit. But do not get it twisted, they have begun the purge of non-corporate owners. Just look at Long and Mayfield. All NASCAR needs is justification, fabricated or otherwise, to kick someone out and they're looking for it daily with Robby, I can guarantee you. So unless Robby stops being his own man, I doubt NASCAR will help him in any way to find sponsorship for a full-season of his own ride, much less a second car.
I'm pretty sure that Home Depot was the official home improvement store of NASCAR prior to 2009, so Tony should have been a hush hush tow the line quite boy last year.


And that currently there is no official home improvement store of NASCAR

I also agree that Tony Stewart should not be labeled an owner/driver. He is an owner in name only. My understanding is he brought nothing more to the team than just his name and sponsors. The remainder of the work and fabrication is done by the Haas portion of the team. At least Robby is hands on and does everything himself (except for the engines).

But I do think taking on a team mate and 2nd car would do a world of good. Jim Beam has been fantastic, but Robby needs a regular sponsor week in and week out.
I competely understand where this anti robby comes in just in the past coupld of races. Sonoma, When robby was leading and bobby lab.. spun in turn 2. he was out of the way and was still running they through the caution. Then about 5 laps later cars were bouncing off the walls and shit went everywhere with no caution. I almost boycotted Nascar after that race.

Am I being stupid or did anyone else notice this bs.
Unless there are serious changes made in NASCAR, which won't happen anytime soon, I really don't see Robby making the chase in 5 years without a merger or serious investor. It's just too darn hard with the top funded teams out there with as much support as they receive. Tony bought a two car team that was well established and supplied by one of the top teams in NASCAR and from what I remember, Jonny Sauter and Scott Riggs had some good races and real good qualifying efforts in the 66 and 70 cars. Now that team has funding brought on by Tony and the full support for Hendick and GM which puts his psudo-Hendick fleet at the top.

Even our old pal Mikey has a full support from Toyota and fully funded sponsors that has escalated his other 2 cars to the level of contenders for the chase. David more than Marcus, but I have been very impressed with Marcus this year and it is all due to funding and factory support. MWR and Red Bull jumped on with Totota early and it is paying dividends now. The problem with Scott Speed is that he just isn't good at stock cars and should look back to open wheel.

I was inspired earlier this year by comments by Tomny Baldwin and Jeremy Mayfied about how this COT is going to help smaller teams with less funding be more competetive. Sorry, I just don't see it. Alan Kulwicki and Ricky Rudd pulled it off on thier own. Bill Elliott didn't do all that well as an owner and he was a Cup Champ. The only way that a one car operation can complete is if they can get full sponsorship for a second car or if a large investor comes along. Until then, Robby will continue to be a true underdog that NASCAR doesn't support but fans like us will. A win at WG would certainly help to attract sponsors. Too bad WG isn't before Pocono. Most likely Robby will be "back in black" yet again this weekend. Without full sponship for the year, it is going to be VERY hard to compete at a level to contend for the chase.
Back in Black at Pocono? Almost certainly. RGM just posted this on YouTube, and twittered about it....

I love it! This is marketing genius! It says yeah the 7 is going to be black and nameless this weekend and We don't mind cause we're here to race. If a win or even a top ten came about in the black car that would be bad ass. Sorry Beam cause you guys really deserve one too.
Thats ok. Black car this weekend, and a kick ass looking Beam car for The Glen.
Tony didn't have to buy in or set up anything with this team. He's an owner, but he didn't build this team like Robby did with his or even with how Michael Waltrip did with his. I know Michael now has a partner but in the beginning he put a 3 car team on the track in a little under 6 months, which is also something to be commended. Tony has even said that he doesn't deserve what he's getting in regards to the ownership angle. Make no mistake though, Tony saved that team. I doubt a team with no cooperate sponsorship and a owner in jail would last another season, with or without Hendrick's support. Tony brought millions and millions of money with Office Depot, Old Spice and Army to the table which allowed them to bring in the quality people they did.
You are correct
Tony Stewart isn't even listed as the owner of the #14 car, Margaret Haas is listed as the owner. Tony is listed as the owner of the #39 car.
Todd thats cuz he doesn't own the whole team. Look at almost any of the multi car teams, you'll find the same thing. Must be some ownership clause in nascar's rulebook...


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