Haven't seen a discussion started for it yet.. maybe that means I'll be the only one there??
If anyone else is going and wants to meet up for a drink or two (or wants info on Toronto; I used to live there and know a lot about the city), share a comment.
Its great business to barely win a championship when the payout is half a mil.
I'm still unsure if Mr. Martinez saw the convoy or not? I read the post 'till my head throbbed and like a political promise, I'm not sure what I just read!
Just read the first two words.................then pause...................the negative part was TOGs answer to my question of "will the SST and Robby be doing a promo stop in Buffalo".............stop...............the rest was a rant on how Buffalo is a poor mans treehouse without a view ...................????......................then.......I close with a counter closewise swirl in which I pointed out to MJ (quite tellingly) that "no" I did not see a convoy or one of his remote control gizmos go by (not that I was not looking as they checked my ass for drugs as they pulled me from the river just above the "international bridge" which is the deepest poin of the niagara river and holds claim and fame to ........Then................MJ asks "again".did ya see um did ya da huh did ya make that "honking motion" with your arm............Then I slipped into my pool and had the biggest Rum and Coke a man ever seen and wondered......................."What would have happened that day Gene wanted tires and Robby said no at Indy"........I wonder ..............or if they would have really called the cops on me at the Glen when I flipped out when they tried to "strong arm me" when I .......did what I did ............when Steve Park made an appearence a couple years ago...........HHHMMM.........Oh.....No I did not see any SST haulers nor expect to as expectations are nothing more than dreams and nightmares are dreams as well and I live in a dream world where only the nightmares come true..................Thus.
as some where just discussing smoking dope in Colorado and Washington because it's legal as long as Eric Holder is ignoring federal law.I didn't think it was legal in New York ,yet.
No sir, I only smoke cigars and....the competition...........
enough with the ranting already! so you didn't get to go to canada to see a race well iv been wanting to travel to a Dakar event and guess what haven't yet. don't here me crying not trying to be mean just enoughs enough.. ANYWAYS... any one watching qualifying? was hopping to get a glimpse of some sst but nothing yet the track looks like fun for the sst forsure
Who s cryin???
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