Versus TV is gone. Does this mean my Dakar Rally fix is at risk?

Versus just anounced that as of Jan 2 2012 they will be no more. NBC Sports will take them over. Anyone know if they will still cover the Dakar? Altho the coverage was very limited, I still looked forward to coming home each day and watching Dakar coverage on the 52" lcd big screen. Here's the anouncement from there FaceBook page:
Comcast, the owner of Versus, acquired a majority stake in NBC Universal in 2011. As a result of the merger, the operations of all of Comcast's national sports networks were folded into the NBC Sports division. As a further result of its new synergy, Versus will be re-launched as the NBC Sports Network on January 2, 2012.

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What about the IRL coverage as well........?

As usual, I found nothing of coverage in the US (what's new?) on the Dakar site. We'll probably have wait until the event gets closer to learn anything. Perhaps monitor the NBC Sports site activity.

Versus covers alot of hockey also......don't think there gonna shut down, but, who knows, anything can happen nowadays, and proably will......$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...F- the public

I switched from Comcast to Dish about 18 months ago and in the move lost both Speed and Versus. I won't pay an extra $30 a month just for those two channels and the other programing and channels I lost I don't miss. I am able to find what I want to watch here on the Net from both those channels just fine. At least I get by with what I can watch and I have an extra $360 a year to spend on beer brewing supplies.

I'm guessing you answered your own question. "As a further result of its new synergy, Versus will be re-launched as the NBC Sports Network on January 2, 2012."

There are an awful lot of contracts to void if they don't cover the things they've already signed on to do.

I heard that also, but I'm just assuming it's an ownership change and not really (hoping) will affect programming. Like when FOX bought Speedvision a few years ago. It didn't really affect the lineup that much, except for all those "reality" shows.

I am only assuming but I would think there will be a gradual change in programming but for now I will still be able to watch the Viper Cup, IRL, Dakar, and SCCA World Challenge on NBC Sports Network. With NBC behind it more households will have the channel available as well in the future. The Viper Cup had better be on as we just had a client purchase an ACRX Viper to run the Viper Cup this year.


I go to for my 2012 Dakar coverage / interaction.

Me too. The dude that runs the site does a pretty damn good job of covering it.

And WJM gets all gussy'd up for DAKAR.

I'm sewing a real purdy dress

TMI.....WJM.... TMI....


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