ESPN 's X Games is taking a poll on which event fans are most looking forward to seeing. Vote now for Stadium Trucks

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These are the current international(less US votes) poll results:
Super Trucks: 40%
Rally Cross: 39%
FMX: 17%
Enduro: 4%
Total votes: 857

(note - if there are NO results displayed, then cast a vote)

Just voted again on the puter . 1st time was on my cell as for 1:42 am we are now at ...
52% Super Trucks
33% RallyCross
11% FMX
4% Enduro.

Let's keep it up y'all

yeah that's what I should have said it only let me vote once on each device.

delete your cookie's/history,try again. Works for me.I thought I was a democrat yesterday with the number of times I voted ;-)

Mike, SodaHead shows Washington state poll results :

Super Trucks: 53%
Rally Cross: 38%
Enduro: 6%
FMX: 3%
Total Votes: 34

Keep up the good work, Mike! Every vote counts. lol

Total votes for Wa. Can not be correct, I may have that many this morning ;-)
Rally cross might be a couple points higher here, Dirtfish Rally school is here

The total votes worldwide is only 2,096. I am pleasantly surprised with the strong international support that the Super Trucks is receiving ... it's now down @ 37% to Rally Cross 43% ... I didn't realized that anyone outside of the US, Canadian and Mexican borders ever heard of it ... whereas WRC is universally recognized.

I played with the SodaHead website (reset their session cookie to vote again) and the tally changed with each vote that I cast. Play with it Mike ... ESPN Go might be adding their own filters ... try adding about 10 more votes and see if they show up in your home state tally. Have fun!

interestingly vote tallies increase,but not for Washington on the SodaHead site.

Very interesting ... the Democrats 'redistricted' you ... somewhere out of state (j/k). So, where in the world is Mike Kenyon? (lol)

no sign of robby at iv250 only the tt clones
Robby was not scheduled to compete,to the best of my knowledge.

Robby doing SST surface test at Indy today?


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