u need a zanax!
I was taught the same thing judge not lest be judged but the proof is right there . AJ tested positive for drugs and admited he used them therefor he comes off as a dirtbag . As for Bruce he maybe is a great guy and am sure deep down he is . Im simply stating that him having friends that use drugs makes him look bad is all . Alcohol is just as bad if abused , but it is still legal to use . Pot Amphetamine or in Mayfield's case Meth are all ILLEGAL thus making it a CRIME . Its not the drug that makes AJ and Mayfield dirtbags its the fact they committed CRIMES . And yes if it were alcohol they abused although still bad i wouldnt think as badly of them . I give AJ a lil more credit than Mayfield for just the fact that he's admitted he has a problem and is getting the help he needs . In this whole thing i have not made it personal towards Bruce and have only suggested he be more careful how he picks his friends , to avoid just such a thing as this . For instance say Bruce is with his friends , they get pulled over and his car is searched and they find pot . Are the cops gonna care about whose pot it is ? I dont think so . Guilty by association .
You should probably just stop mj. You claim you were taught not to judge, then go right on judging others for the rest of your post. You are making yourself sound like an ass.
You do know, don't you, that there are things on the NASCAR drug test list that are NOT illegal, right?
MJ, you couldn't be more off base if you tried.
1st thing- Where has AJ admitted he used drugs. From what I have seen he has said no such thing, ever.
2nd thing- amphetimines are not illegal. I can go to my local pharmacy and buy Sudafed 12 hour which contains Ephedrine which is an amphetimine.
3rd thing- AJ has not admitted he has a problem. He has only stated that the level of a banned substance, amphetimine, was slightly over a given threshold of compliance. He entered the Road to Recovery because that's what he has to do in order to drive again in Nascar.
@mj. I live in California. If I get stopped by law enforcement they won't take my bag of weed. They might smell it and tell me I grew some powerful OG Kush though! I have the legal paperwork to have weed with me anytime I want to.
I have been around off-road racing since the beginnings of it back at Glamis, Pismo Beach, and the original Riverside in the mid 1960's. I won't name names ever, so don't ask. But, you might be surprised by some of the "legends" of this sport that have smoked weed. In the mid 1970's I worked for a well known automotive after-market company. I was the Operations Manager and my boss, the General Manager was a coke head. So for a year or so I got in to Cocaine some. I snorted with other racers including a very well known Father and Son. This stuff still goes on.
Think about what would happen if at the next SCORE and Best in The Desert race you had to have a clean drug test before starting the race. Do you think the car count might be down just a little?
@MJ,who said amphetamine was/is illegal? nobody said it was illegal,just over the allowable limit.
from http://www.drugnet.net/amphetamines
Amphetamines, both legal and illegal are potentially addictive. An increasing number of individuals are using them for recreational purposes, even those that are legal, prescription medications, for example Adderall. Adderall is prescribed to individuals that suffer from narcolepsy and also ADHD. There are some persons who use it to get high and not because they suffer from either of the aforementioned conditions. An addition to a prescribed amphetamine such as Adderall
A. Which amphetamines are legal? There are both legal and illegal amphetamines. Legally prescribed amphetamines have a number of uses and are given for a variety of ailments. Narcolepsy and ADHD are some of the most common. Examples of legal amphetamines include Vyvanse, Dexedrine, Adderall, and Benzedrine. B. Which amphetamines are illegal? There are both illegal and legal amphetamines. While some are prescribed by physicians for legitimate medical uses, others are sold and...
Everybody needs to read these two articles about drug testing. I've read so many wrong interpretations of the testing and she addresses these issues head-on.
I'm resigning my position as an admin here effective immediately.
TOG, I'm sorry. I sampled the forbidden weed as it passed down our row at a Foo Fighters concert last year.
As a 55-year old man I should have known better.
Shame on you WJM, pass it this way--"don't bogart that joint"...
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