Robby mentions that the Turbo's are able to pull more air through the restrictors and the vw's pull away from him on the straights. Why doesn't he add a turbo to the Hummer? Has he considered it?
Based on Engine size, he could not put it on the current Corvette engine. If he could the restrictor would be as small as a pencil. The other vehicles are running 5 cylinder and 4 cylinder diesels, which do not produce alot of horsepower, but they make up for it in torgue.
Next year Robby has to make all new vehicles anyway if he plans on doing it again. New ASO Dakar rules go into effect, more production type vehicles like the New Mitisubishi, smaller engines. Robby needs to land some Toyota money and a FJ40.
its possible he will jump the Toyota fence next year. it would be smart for Toyota to get back into battle with a factory effort against Nissan, Mitsu and VW. they could pick up RG as a turnkey operation that would come out of the box competitive. He could take that effort to Baja and then duke it out with Mark in the VW
That was brillant, I like the way that sounds. Only, thing that I can come up with that might screw this up is when RG was racing IRL or CART he ran a toyota and bitched pretty hard to CAL-wells and Arceiro and made some hard words about toy products. But, once again he's got toy in his NASCAR, so I don't known.
Great point , I just remember that from way back. Thanks
Permalink Reply by Matt on January 15, 2009 at 9:24am
I knew he burned some bridges at Ford while in CART, but I didnt know he did the same with Toyota.