A few weeks ago I was doing some serious purging of my closets and dresser drawers. While sorting and stacking I came across a startling fact-I own at least 29 Robby Gordon T-shirts. Sad, but oh, so true.

What does this include, you may ask? Well...

3 Fan club t's, 2 double duty t's, one seriously bootlegged RuR shirt,3 Dakars. One rally for Robby, one bought off of ebay from a former employee that STILL smells like motor oil. Heavenly. One bright, highway construction barrel orange RGM team shirt that one of the employees at the trailer commented on..geez that's an old shirt. Three signed on the sleeve shirts my elementary kiddos always tell me I've gotten something on "Ms. Leigh! Someone wrote all over your shirt!". One JB shirt I don't wear much because of said kiddos, and one I don't wear because it makes me look like Dolly Parton. Sponsors? Cingular, fotl, verizon, JB, Monster, Menards, even an old Harrahs I trot out now and then. A Cingular TT shirt that I somehow turned a lovely shade of pink. Oh yeah, this count didn't even count the dirt duds in the laundry.

Now, of course I've added more. My new Team Zero shirt is my latest addition.

I can represent Dodge, Ford, and Chevy, of course. And hummer! And whatever the Indy cars were at the time. As well as Trophy Trucks and V-W's too. It's the post 2001 history of Robby Gordon.

And that count does not include polos, tanks, long-sleeved tees and hats. Too much to count.

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Comment by MOracefan7 on August 5, 2008 at 8:23pm
I wear the current sponsor shirts more often than some of the older ones, especially since some of the old sponsors have went with other drivers. I wear my fan club ones every now and then. I still wear my signed ones. So far Sharpie has held up pretty well in the wash, and I'm not one for saving them for posterity.
Comment by Sarah on August 4, 2008 at 11:45pm
??? Do you rotate your shirts, wear them once while they are current or find yourself always wearing the same ol'- same ol' shirt?? As someone that owns numerous rubbermaid tubs filled with Bobby Allison and Dale Sr. shirts (early '80's to 2002), I found myself almost always wearing the same 2 or 3 shirts to the races or special events. Also if a shirt was autographed it was retired. The same holds true for my Robby shirts. I only have small amount in comparison, but I have a cingular shirt I LOVE to wear all the time.
Comment by Marc Basham on July 30, 2008 at 5:02pm
Very nice collection. I am going to be moving here in two weeks so it will be fairly interesting getting into my closet of shirts. I already have all of the diecasts and other memorabilia out and ready to be taken away. I also have his Coors standup and this years JB standup lying in the middle of my bedroom ready to be moved. Still don't know what I am gonna do with the Harrah's rear bumper I have.
Comment by Texas SpeedDiva on July 30, 2008 at 11:56am
Man, now I'm going to have to sort through my collection of Robby shirts to see how many I have. Or not - its a lot. And several one of a kinds since I've been known to take scissors to the men's t-shirts to modify them. I started to run out of room at home for my diecast collection so they have begun to migrate to the bookshelves in my office. The JB ones aren't very "law firm" so they stay at home.
Comment by MOracefan7 on July 29, 2008 at 12:24pm
Jaeway..I don't have the mustard shirt. a. It's an 'interesting' color. b. I only have a couple of JB shirts. I work at an elementary school in a small town that I live in. I feel slightly creepy even wearing them on the weekends, I run into SO many kids and parents that end up chatting me up. If I wear them, it's only on race day when I rarely leave the couch!
Comment by MOracefan7 on July 29, 2008 at 12:20pm
Lol path..it must have been in the wash! It was the white Monster one. I wear it alot..I have to work outside a couple of hours each day so I love the white ones.
Comment by jaeway on July 29, 2008 at 12:05pm
i didnt see the ugly mustard shirt in the pick, must be wearing it when pic was took
Comment by jaeway on July 29, 2008 at 12:02pm
ahh but i have the ultimate collectable item a 2007 press pass holofoil card P25 of mr. robby gordon numbered 007/100. ill post it up latter
Comment by Pathfinder7 on July 29, 2008 at 9:25am
Now which RG shirt did I send you? I don't have that many but they just seem to collect!
Comment by TOG on July 29, 2008 at 1:48am
Looking forward to seeing the planetrobby.com t-shirt added to that collection..lol..they should be in real soon.

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