Update to the drama on the 37.
A thousand and some odd dollars later the motor it done and in the car! I am taking it to the track tomorrow night to test and tune! It's been a long, hard and expensive season and we're not even half way! I found an engine builder that use to build motors for Ricky Rudd! How cool is that?! He assures me that the motor will hold together for the rest of the season and that I will only need to focus on keeping the car on the track and out of the wall! LOL! I am so excited I can hardly stand it!
My daddy once told me that "Happy are those who dream dreams and who are ready to pay the price to make them come true." This is so TRUE! I have paid the price and will continue to in order to dream my dream. If you're gonna dream...dream BIG!
I'll post the results from the weekend on sunday! See you at the track!