It's about 8:30, Sunday evening and we're finally home from the track.We got to the track around 7:00AM and went in all directions, Mr Mouse, Sarah and Susan were autograph hunting, which left me on my own to get into whatever mischief I could find. Damn, I'm good at it.So, I wandered down to the SPEED area just to see what was going on. As my hubby so nicely puts it, I could step into a bucket of shit and come up smelling like a rose. Anyway, a couple of the guys were interviewing someone, and I stood there fior a minute, and said I KNOW THAT VOICE! It was Robby and he was talking about the off road stuff and all kinds of things. It was a pretty cool interview and he sounded great. He stood up to leave and I just kind of migrated over to that side of the stage. Robby said to me, " Hi, how you doing?" I told him I was doing well, and then I said, "Robby, do you remember me?" To which he replied, "Yes, I do." And I thought to myself, Oh God, I'm toast! I stepped back a little because people were wanting his autograph, but Oh no, I wasn't done. I reached out and tapped him on the shoulder and when he turned I said " Robby, are you bring your trailer in September?" I'm pretty sure that subconsiously I must have a death wish because I just seem to ask him the damndest questions, but he always gives me an answer. So he said, "maybe, if we can get some things ironed out," This is where my mouth and brain conspire, because I said "you need to hire me to run your trialer." To his credit he did not laugh! He just said, "it's not that, it's just not really worth it financially. They charge like $5K just to drop the trailer, and then there are all the other expenses." We talked about that for a minute, and then I said, "Robby, I'd ask you for a hug, but....." He kind of grinned and said "It's all good" and reached out and I got my hug.

Now for the race! Driver intros and we screamed our brains out when Robby was introduced. He was in the pickup starting to go around the track and we were waving and screaming and pretty much going basllistic. It worked - he waved to us! You must undertand that were 41 rows up in the stands! You must also understand that I was pretty sure I was going to expire before I got to my seat! The green flag dropped and I have to say here I that I really adore Doug his spotter! He keeps Robby calm and focused and at the same time there is a level of humor! Do you remember when I posted that he was happy with the car after Happy hour? Well, 24 hours and cool, damp overcast skies changed things dramatically and he was a very unhappy camper. They fiddled around and made adjustments and I finally got to here the following words: "it's starting to come to me." Those words are sweet music in my ears. As difficult as it is to pass in Loudon, he made several sweet moves. The car ranged from horrible to undriveable to wrecking loose to actually being pretty good. He referred to michael Waltrip as a fucking idiot and Scott Speed as a squirrel. He also mentioned that he was scared as hell to be around Stremme. All in all I will take the result and say "thank you" because there were time when his car was truly horrible, but also times when his driving bordered on brilliant!

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Comment by roush699 on July 6, 2009 at 11:18pm
I am so jealous! Next time please hug him again for me! Great blog!
Comment by Ms Gibby on July 4, 2009 at 12:07am
LOL, Path, he has been referring to Waltrip that way for years....correctly, I might add. Glad you got another hug. Just wish I could have been there but, alas, I DIDN'T HAVE A PLANET T-SHIRT TO WEAR. (hee hee. I'm still at it.)
Comment by Texas SpeedDiva on July 1, 2009 at 1:54pm
LOL. ah you trouble maker you! I love it and the fact you got another hug. Not suprised ya'll had fun and so glad you did.
Comment by shana on July 1, 2009 at 10:19am
love the blog, thanks. glad you guys had a blast. that stinks he has no trailor at the races. glad you got another hug as well.
Comment by Bruno on July 1, 2009 at 8:09am
Hey Path. Great Blog!
Really good to read that you had a great time. Only if the rain had waited a couple hours to drop.
Have fun!
Comment by Mouseking7 on June 30, 2009 at 6:00pm
His Fans are his biggest promoters out there! No swag walking around, nobody promoting Robby!!
Comment by Mike/WC77 on June 30, 2009 at 3:17pm
LOL, I talked to Rob about the trailer thing when I saw him @ Menards in the beginning of the month. He said when it's all said & done, they have to sell approx $20k in merch. to make it profitable to bring the trailer. That got me to thinking...How much have I spent in that thing that he hasn't missed a a race here? Furthermore, now I hear he's gonna debut new swag @ Chicagoland.
Comment by Racingwench on June 30, 2009 at 12:37pm
Great Blog Path. I wish I was with you. I am glad you all had a great time. Maybe in September I will get to give him a hug as well!!
Comment by RollTide7 on June 30, 2009 at 11:20am
Great blog, Path. I was thinking of you during the race & wondering what kind of trouble you had gotten into over the weekend :) Have to admit that I was getting somewhat irked at the beginning of the race not seeing Robby go up & continuing to crawfish back. Kept thinking to myself, "Great, another freakin pitiful finish." But, to my surprise, he did manage to pull off a decent finish. Would have loved to see him finish 22nd -- above Ambrose & POS -- but 25th will do. Glad to see you had a good time.......
Comment by Joan Forsythe on June 30, 2009 at 10:51am
Three hugs and it will be rumored you and Robby are going "steady" LOL I am soooo jealous - the race was OK the finish OK, but Robby has not come up in the standings. Love the photos & the page. Robby seems to have lost weight and looks grim in his Loudon photos - hope you made him smile. Love Joan

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