This is NOT from Robby Gordon's #77 TT, however it is from the 2009 Primm 300, giving you an idea of the terrain.

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Comment by NIKAL on September 15, 2009 at 1:04am
RG rolled the Hummer testing in Parker.
Comment by mojoman521 on September 14, 2009 at 10:48pm
......TOG ....That could be the spot where Rob flipped the Hummer pre-running.............looks just like described...........
Comment by NIKAL on September 14, 2009 at 12:08pm
TOG due to the economy and the fact that Score's cost have gotten out of control has made many teams look at other series to race. The entry fee for the Score Primm race was $1425.00 then you have your annual $75 membership that each driver/co-rider has to pay. Then on top of that you have your tracking device lease fee of $250 for the one race, Oh if this is the first race where you need a tracker then you need the tracking device mounting kit which they charge $375 for.

So even if your are already a Score member and you already have the tracker mount, your entry fee is still $1675 for a 300 mile race. This is not including fuel, tires, lodging and other expenses. The Snore series races the exact same course twice a year and their fees are about $400 per race with no tracker. The MDR series in Plaster City CA, and in the Barstow CA deserts have a $325 entry fee with no tracker. Allot of racers want to race but cant justify the money to race Score anymore. And its not just the limited guys either. Both Snore and MDR have seen increases in the class 1 and TT's showing up. I helped do the 5/1600 Shootout last New Years Eve with MDR and we had 31, 5/1600's show up to race a 200 mile race with a prize pot of $25,000.

Bottom line is Score's entries have been down at all their races these last two years. Score has always been known and the Big Guys, but most are just seeing Big Money to race Score. So the smaller series are capitalizing on Score's high pricing. This year alone the MDR Plaster City series has had either better numbers of entrees or has at least had the same as last year. Their next race is not until mid October and they already have 38 entries and 6 of those are Class 1 cars. MDR has average around 12, 5/1600 per race also.
Comment by TOG on September 14, 2009 at 10:23am
wow Nikal, only 2 cars of his division ?? Where did they all go ? $$$ ??
Comment by NIKAL on September 14, 2009 at 2:02am
Bummer! Now I know what happened to Pat. That was Pat Daileys 5/1600. It was a very pretty paint job, and replacing the body's on these cars suck! . I've raced against Pat when he had is other 5/1600. I know they have worked hard to get the suspension to work right. (If your reading this Pat go to FOX! LOL!) I guess its still is not right. By listening to the sound he might have lifted to long off the gas in the corner. I know easier said then done! But in a 95 in wheel base car with limited hp you need to keep you foot in it and believe it or not that will help you from getting that tank slap feel and possibly rolling the car.

Also its a shame to think that only 2, 5/1600 even entered this years Primm 300. I would have withdrawn if only two cars were entered. Its not worth even racing. When I was racing Score full time in 5/1600 we had 12-14 entering the State races and at least 20+ at the Baja races. 2003 the 5/1600 class was the largest class at the Baja 500 with 33 or 35 entries. That was a good race until I ran out of tallent like Pat did, while running 3rd with 9 miles to go. We still finished 3rd, but trying to explain how I did that to my race partner was the problem.
Comment by Mike Andersen on September 13, 2009 at 10:44pm
I was at start/finish for the first two laps which was boring until we got to see Robby come into the last mile on the first lap in fifth place on the track not on time and by the time he left my sight he was the lead truck. Two trucks rolled in front of him then the other two while entering the pavement literally got stuck together and right in front robby and he just drove right by them it was hilarious.... those guys were stuck for 15 minutes it took a front loader to seperate them.
Comment by Mike Andersen on September 13, 2009 at 10:35pm
actually that was a very smooth and fast section.... that guys rear shocks were not setup right at all...
there are mile long stretches of four foot deep whoops all over this track...thats is a great video though bummer for those guys.
Comment by alan4s on September 13, 2009 at 8:49pm

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