Did anyone hear any news good or bad on the engines NASCAR took back to the R and D [ research and development center] to put them on a computer
to analyze them. To compare the Toyota engines to the other engines to see if they have a much greater adnvatage over the rest of the field.

Any news please post a comment thank you.!!!!!!!

Ricky Lee Corenthose'.

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What scares me about that report was the fact that Dodge was the closest to Toyota. It didn't appear that way last week. Robby seemed to hold ground on Kyle Busch in the corners (As he was being lapped) but on the straightaways, that Toyota pulled away in large lengths. I noticed that in one particular part of the race, corner after corner Robby was seemingly as good as Busch. I understand that getting into the turns and how you get off makes a huge difference in speed on the straights, but they seemed to be pretty damn close to me. I don't know how much this will affect the cup motors, and I guess thats more important with as little Nationwide races as Robby is running.
The word "Confiscated" makes it sound like all those teams may have done something wrong, or somehow violated rules. That wasn't the case. NASCAR temporarily appropriated those engines for "routine" testing on a dynanometer. We should all hope that the results of these tests are made public, as are any conclusions and explinations that NASCAR arrives at as a result of these tests.


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