Ok, just had to add this. Im sittin here catching up on all my Planet news, and all of a sudden this thought came over me thinking you're thirsty, whatcha gonna do bout it? So,as some might know, I love Beam Black!!! Well, I decided to experiment with something. Everyone must try Beam Black and Coke Zero Cherry!!!!!! Goooooood stuff... Just had to share!

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Coke Zero Cherry?????? are you serious??? seems like a wast of the Good stuff.

I to like Jime Beam Black, I mean I really like it.. But I can't afford to make that my drink of choice all the time. I usually drink regular Jim Beam, on a very rare occasion I treat myself to a bottle of Black. Every Year for Christmas my neighbors always by me the BIG bottle of Black... I love them for it to. :)
Im serious, you really need to try it! Its friggin great! It goes well with the oakyness of the BlackBeam. I know it sounds odd, but its good. Black is all you'll find in my house...Well, Im lying, I do have a bottle of Beam regular. I dont know where you live, but out here in Vegas Beam Black is not much more than the reg. stuff. I always buy at Lee's here in town. They have the best prices.
here in NC. a regular bottle of Beam is about $13.50, black runs about $20 or more.. that's for a fifth. There are still quite a few stores that have the combo pack that has a bottle of Black and a J.B. black diecast in the package.. it's goes for $50. I just haven't been able to justify that purchase yet..
Bout the same here in Joliet, Il area
I bathe in Beam Black....just kidding. I had the Black and regular Cherry Coke last night, it was great. I will try the Coke Zero cherry though. Im not a heavy drinker...well Im heavy and im a drinker but....not a heavy drinker...
being a heavy drinker can lead to drinking problems. Use a smaller glass so it's not so heavy...:) then there is no problem. lol
Straight over some crushed ice. Not like Sonic ice or finely crushed ice but medium crushed. Somewhere between ice cubes and crushed. Or mixed with Dr. Pepper.
Someone told me they bought a bottle of Jim Bean and got a Robby hat for free. The family saw a man with the hat and asked if he was a Robby fan he said didn't really follow racing but like Jim Bean.
I think it was last year. Beam was gave away a hat with a purchase of the large bottle, it was attached to the top of the bottle squished up in a little box. there were 4 different styles....... I got all 4 (a couple times...lol)
Shit, I only recieved the solid red style.
Any of you guys (or gals even) ever tried the Four Horsemen shot? Not the best flavor but VERY effective. You see some different variations of this such as replacing the beam with JD but here is the best way to have it.
1/4 oz Jim Beam® bourbon whiskey
1/4 oz Jim Beam Black® bourbon whiskey
1/4 oz Johnnie Walker® Red Label Scotch whisky
1/4 oz Jose Cuervo® Especial gold tequila
OMG!!! That reminds me of a shot (well it was really alot bigger than a "shot") that a bar in Korea served. It was called an "Evil Fuck Me Up". I watched 4 Army guys walk into the bar one night, they were sober and just fine. 40 minutes after they all had one. They were stubleing pretty bad (the story gets even funnier after that).


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