Ok, just had to add this. Im sittin here catching up on all my Planet news, and all of a sudden this thought came over me thinking you're thirsty, whatcha gonna do bout it? So,as some might know, I love Beam Black!!! Well, I decided to experiment with something. Everyone must try Beam Black and Coke Zero Cherry!!!!!! Goooooood stuff... Just had to share!

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jim beam black in a shot glass does the trick for me. it is better when cold... on a funny note; everytime robby wins something (thank GOD for offroad! lol), i make my roommates take shots to finish bottles of beam black to celebrate. they can handle the regular beam, but both are not fans of the black. i really enjoy seeing them dance around, cry, and complain when they have to do it. it makes up for the hell i get being a robby fan. they are typical bandwagon fans of the same old drivers. terrible! robby, please win more races! and btw; beam black, southern comfort, and dr. pepper mixed is a good shooter.
The one (cookie cutter style) race that I would most want to see Robby win?????? My Favorite drink. I want to see him win at Lowes Motor Speedway... specifically... the Coke a Cola 600! Gawd it would be great to see Robby's Jim Beam car in victory lane with a Huge bottle of Jim Beam on the Roof right next to that coke display.....lol
Has anyone tried the 7 year? I cant get it in the interior of Alaska but man, it sounds very nice! The Beam site lays out the differences and they all sound so carefully made that I cant wait to try the special series they have....my $.02
The 7 yr is good a little bit better than the regular.. but not a huge difference. nothing like the difference of the black compared to regular. IMHO..
How about the "distillers series" I know that is to be considered the best, I cant get it here but is Black the true Gentlemen Bourbon in your opinions?
I have no idea. I'm not one to drink whiskey or Bourbon straight. I'm the type of person that is always drinking something.. I mean as in drinking some sort of fluids, Coffee in the morning then water all day long. So to drink J.B. straight, that wont happen.. I have to mix or I would be done in like 1hr...
when in korea we just drink soju and henisey XO
I haven't drank JB Black yet. But at Auto Club Speedway last Sunday, I took my JB Flask filled with JB into the track, got a bottle of Pepsi, took a couple of good swigs from it so I could top it off with JB. After a slow mix (so as not to have the mix explode when I opened the bottle), it was mixed to perfection...not so much JB that you couldn't taste the soda, yet not too little JB that you couldn't taste it. The sweetness of the Pepsi and the slight bite of JB became one wonderful taste. I will have to try it with JB Black next.
I cant do Beam Black with Pepsi. It just doesnt taste right for me. My house is a Coke house.. I mean not a Coke house in the bad sence, well yes we only DRINK Coke, and mainly Coke Zero in my house!!! lol Now I sound like Jack up there! lol
hey!!! lol.. I was deep into the bottle the night this thread was going...lol
I have done that also, take in a few 20 oz. Cokes, put the JB into a plastic bottle get to your seat and open your bar. That does not break any track rules, all plastic bottles!
I like beam and mountain dew, haven't tried jim beam black yet.


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