It's official! Robby Gordon will be sponsored by SPOT for the upcoming race at Bristol.
Here is the link to the article, as well as the photo of the car.

Robby Gordon Page At

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Go figure you would say that.
I have been meaning to talk to you about your spots. Did you read Dot comics as a boy?
There was a reason this site was orange this week.
you sly dog
I thought you just went freakin' color blind....LMAO!
I was hopin it was Khaos Orange, but this is awesome. Love the orange!
I registered for the free bee.
brand new sponsor ya think ole DW gonna give RGM and spot a little plug or will Mike Joy say something positive and DW change the subject...If anyone from SPOT reads the planet thanks from a Robby fan and hope to "SPOT" you at the track..........
Here's how it will go:

Mike Joy: Robby Gordon, the last true owner driver has a good run going in 12th. He has brought along a new sponsor to the sport. SPOT is the worlds first GPS messenger system.

Larry Mac- Yep, pretty impressive for an owner driver to secure new sponsoship with the economy like it is.


DW- Boy take a look at that 88 car! He's sideways!
that's funny stuff right there!
And sadly true!
Great new sponsor. Any word about if they will get involved with the Dakar program?


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