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If our votes dont matter I have wasted alot of time,I voted about 200 times!Hope they count!
I've been thinking the same thing. Regardless I think we will be hoping for a second or better pace in the showdown. There's a lot of dorks out there voting for Joey or the driver of their choice.
true....when you vote the caption "thank you for voting" comes up so quick it dont seem like its sending it.
I mentioned this earlier though, you can only vote one time in a period of time which I do not know the exact time, but somebody said it was an hour on the vote 4 robby facebook group!

Anyways, If you have not voted in a while, or over an hour, you hit robby's name/number and hit submit and the thanks for voting box pops up, but look at the status bar. The bar does go across at the bottom of the page and submits something! If you try to vote again right afterwards, then you still get the thanks for voting, but the status bar doesn't do anything.

The point of this is though, keep voting, because they are getting tallied some where, but just vote once an hour or until somebody figures out the exact amount of time there is before the first time voting and when you can vote again!

Hope this helps!
We've had this discussion before but no resolve. I've searched extensively for official rules and not sure they exist. I think NASCAR uses their own draft selection process: first is someone related to a broadcaster, next will be those on his team. If by some freak chance they actually race into the event, they toss a coin and count how many times it flips on the way down. Whoever drives that car number gets to play. I spend WAY too much time voting too! But with only one week to go, can't stop now on the slim chance that somebody will actually count our votes.
I just read the html for the Allstar vote page, and downloaded and read the Javascript for voting.

Simple answer: once every hour - if you vote more often, it "thanks" you, but doesn't submit the vote.

More detailed:
* The script first checks if you have cookies enabled - if not, it will thank you, but not submit a vote;
* If cookies are enabled, it looks to see if there is a cookie with a name of "PL98123987324876" and a value of "3123412cx5634sas2" (arbitrary numbers, I beleive);
* If that cookie is found, the script will "thank you" without submitting a vote;
* If the cookie is not found, it creates the cookie with an expiration date of now + 1 hour, and then submits your vote;
* Within an hour, the valid cookie will be found, so votes won't count. After the hour expires, the expired cookie is purged, so you can vote again.

If someone with more time and energy than I wanted to, you could devise a macro to vote, then purge that one specific cookie from your system, to allow you to vote again. Short of that, don't waste your energy voting more than once an hour.
wow... bravo Alan ! nice research!
Good job! Someone posted on this back when the voting first opened and had scripting to delete the cookie. I wanted to test it before offering it again but I'm not smart enough to find my cookies to know if it actually worked. I know what the path is supposed to be but it doesn't appear. Here's what the code was. Paste it into your address bar and load the page. You should get an "OK" confirmation and your vote will count:

Thanks for the research Alan.. having the javascript already in your address bar (where you type in web addresses) works well with the Axife Mouse Recorder as that particular macro program recognizes keystrokes as well as mouse clicks... try it, you'll note that after prompting it you get an additional ok so your vote will count again after that.. repeat vigourously!!
If I were a developer working on this AllStar vote application, in addition to the client side javascript limiting the votes to once-an-hour, I'd also restrict accepting more than one vote and hour from the same IP address on the server side. It'd be trivial to do, and I'd be surprised if they hadn't.

By all means, use the macro to delete the cookies if you like - your vote will be sent to the server, but there's no guarentee it will be counted.
I agree. Seems like someone said (Nena P. maybe?) earlier this week or late last week that 30K votes had been cast, which exceeded the vote numbers of last year at that time. I thought that I had voted more than that myself using the macro... who knows?? It's NASCAR's world, we're just squirrels trying to get a nut..
Open the internet options and just click delete cookie in between votes. I think this works but you will need to sign in to every site you go to. (big deal)


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