Hope some of you in the Charlotte area can be there to support Robby, he's the only driver listed for next week's show. Had an idea for a sign in case someone going didn't have anything planned. Larry Mac said a few weeks back that if someone held a sign that said "Go to break" they'd be on TV all night long. Got me to thinking...

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I'll be there!

And I LOVE the sign idea!!!!!!!
love the sign!
That is great. You are so clever. I will watch for you on TV.
I did that up quick and dirty but if anyone is actually going to use it, I can fine tune it before you take it to a printer
Great sign. If others are going, you all would probably have better chances getting on with different designs. Same wording would be okay, but different visuals - the more creative the better. The Speed TV producers will probably only show that design once, but if there's a variaty of designs, they might show them more.
If someone is using a printer, they can capture the JB image from the home page and embed that. Or the frame from the slideways video at the Richmond checkers. Lots of neat ways to change up the visuals. I thought of those first but woulda been hard to recreate with cardboard and duct tape.
I should be there. Will be wearing my Roby gear. I say we hunt down the Jim Beam people and get some free stuff.
shots or shirt stuff? (Wink)........
Hey guys I just lloked at the schedule at work and it looks like they will be taping Trackside at 3:45 on Friday. I will keep and eye out to make sure the schedule doesn't change.


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