ROBBY GORDON (No. 7 Menards/John Manville Dodge Charger) Finished 37th
“We missed it on setup and got ourselves lapped and on a pit adjustment, the leader beat us another lap. We lost two and never got a chance to get them back. I don’t know if it would have made any difference if we had gotten the laps back. Thank God we have a road course coming up next week so we can get some momentum back with this race team.”

Scott Riggs Looking at Pocono

While still unofficial, it appears that Scott Riggs will be the odd man out at Stewart-Haas. Riggs had been talking to several teams about opportunities in 2009. According to, he's 99.99999 percent sure he won't be back with the team.

Meanwhile Joe Custer, the team's manager, stated that "no one's out" and expects a decision on the driver lineup next week (

While Riggs hasn't finalized anything yet, he is still looking for a Sprint Cup ride and is working hard to secure one. If the rumor about State Water Heaters staying with Riggs as a package deal is true, with our economy in shambles right now it could be a blessing for him and an incentive for a team to sign him. One on the radr might be
Robby Gordon Motorsports.

Riggs would be a benefit for Robby by adding a teammate and making him more competitive. If Gordon wants a teammate, I can't see him passing on the package of Riggs/State Water Heaters. Gordon has a new shop with space for a 2nd team.

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Riggs & State Water Heaters as a package deal will be very inviting to alot of teams (DEI, Yates, Hall of Fame, MWR and others). Robby needs to go hard after this deal. Get a 2nd team to share notes and have a sponsor in place. I mean with the new testing rule next year, a 2 car team will be very equal to a 4 car team. Getting a 2nd car would be huge!

Please go after Riggs & State Water Heaters!
Screw going after Scott Riggs need to worry about the the one car he has now. Why don't him and John Menard go in partners and bring Paul with. Robby needs to go back to Ford or go to Toyota. Dodge as a company might not be around much longer.
Actually GM and FORD are worse off financially than Dodge. Toyota is the only one on solid ground. That said, a manufacturer change is NOT in our best interest right now. The DODGE power plant has not been the problem and a new engine will be out next year.
Other than the fact that Riggs generally sucks..............
Lets work on the #7 car before we take on another poor performing driver.
to Ms Gibby; Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

Onto the matter at hand. I wouldn't worry too much about brining Riggs in, even if he can bring a sponsor. Because he's not qualifying with pretty solid equipment at Haas. Put him in a 2nd RGM car, and that wouldn't be worth the cost of fuel and entry fee just to go home on Friday nights. If I'm Robby, I look at making a full merger with someone; I don't care what manufacturer it is, I want something that's going to pay off big time. Time for some major changes. It's not working out for Walter. How do you miss the set up this poorly at nearly every track on the schedule? Indy, Pocono, Michigan, have all just been awful. Hasn't been much better anywhere else, even Sonoma the car could've been better.

If Robby can secure sponsorship and get the #7 turned around by season's end, I'd reconsider. But looking at the product on track right now, the last thing on RG's mind should be expansion. Don't pull a MWR and try to run 3 cars when you only have the means to put 1 competitive machine on the track.
Let's see......Riggs is "not qualifying with pretty solid equipment at Haas" which is another way of saying he generally sucks.
I would consider Hendrick Chassis and Engines pretty solid.
Not this year.
Let me address those comments made by Hank Lee. I'm just curious how you call it "missing the setup", when shitty equipment breaks on the car? Yes, something wasn't right, but just like MIS, the car was fast at first,& then fell off. The problem @ MIS was a failed front shock. I expect to see similar result when they tear into everything tomorrow. Perhaps it's the stupid shit like body bushings,& so on that are adding up to a dramatic difference between Rob's,& GEM's chassis'. I'm not in the shop, but I can tell you the couple dozen litlle things that could add up to a whole diff chassis feel. Shocks,& springs are obviously huge. With the finances RGM has, they can't afford to do what GEM does with their suspension. Rob doesn't need to dump Walter, he needs to give him money,& time to do his thing. Rob needs to spend his week working on sponsors,& leave the guys in the shop alone. He can't do that though, cuz he's a damn control freak. Don't get me wrong, I love the guy like he's family, but sometimes I'd like to call him up, just to say WTF! I hope what I heard about a couple shock guys from the Cali shop comin out, to put their 2 cents in is true. Those guys do wicked work,& most importantly Rob trusts them. Maybe that can be the most productive thing to happen this season.
Oh,& one more thing, before anybody else does any Giles bashing, they ought to look up his resume. If he does leave RGM (by whichever means), he'll be another success story at some other team. Once again, you guys really should look at how hard all those guys @RGM are workin to pull out of the progressive nose dive, before bustin their balls. Most of those guys work more in one week, than you,& I do in 2. Educate yourselves before acting like you know a lot more than you do.
The team NEEDS money, thats the bottom line.


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