ROBBY GORDON (No. 7 Menards/John Manville Dodge Charger) Finished 37th
“We missed it on setup and got ourselves lapped and on a pit adjustment, the leader beat us another lap. We lost two and never got a chance to get them back. I don’t know if it would have made any difference if we had gotten the laps back. Thank God we have a road course coming up next week so we can get some momentum back with this race team.”

Scott Riggs Looking at Pocono

While still unofficial, it appears that Scott Riggs will be the odd man out at Stewart-Haas. Riggs had been talking to several teams about opportunities in 2009. According to, he's 99.99999 percent sure he won't be back with the team.

Meanwhile Joe Custer, the team's manager, stated that "no one's out" and expects a decision on the driver lineup next week (

While Riggs hasn't finalized anything yet, he is still looking for a Sprint Cup ride and is working hard to secure one. If the rumor about State Water Heaters staying with Riggs as a package deal is true, with our economy in shambles right now it could be a blessing for him and an incentive for a team to sign him. One on the radr might be
Robby Gordon Motorsports.

Riggs would be a benefit for Robby by adding a teammate and making him more competitive. If Gordon wants a teammate, I can't see him passing on the package of Riggs/State Water Heaters. Gordon has a new shop with space for a 2nd team.

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Look what BJ Baldwin did with the Hummer in Europe. Sure, he is probably the best full time offroad driver out there, but I think it proves what they produce is the class of the field. Sure there was a problem that prevented RG from two wins, but I think we can all be sure that won't happen again. Let's hope they run the second Hummer and BJ returns next year.
As for RG's cup team. Strategy is one thing that RG doesn't play with or allow his chiefs to play with anymore either. RG is gun shy.

I've said it once I said it a million times... Do what the leaders do while on the track. Don't waste your time being this or that. Just do what the leaders do when they do it. Even if you are a lap down.
Some of you are replying, but obviously didn't read all the prior posts.

If Robby added Riggs, State Water Heaters would come along with sponsorship for Riggs team. Many are replying why add a 2nd team when you can't fund the first team? Well, money would be there for the 2nd's a package deal.

In my opinion I believe most of RGM's Nascar problems are due to what happened before Daytona with the cancellation of the off road race. I know it was re-scheduled and Robby ran the race before Talladega, but it had an effect on the whole RGM organization. Lawsuits with Vanguard, lawsuits with Camping World, Monster & Hummer had put a ton into that event. That cancellation cost millions to RGM and I'm sure he had many sleepless nights trying to figure out what to do. The contracts with sponsors and amount of time spent away from the Cup side preparing for the make-up race. Many remember missing the Pocono test. It had a long term effect on both Pocono races and Indy. Robby has been behind all season on his Cup side every since the cancellation. Going threw crew chiefs hasn't helped the situation either. The lost of Greg Erwin was a big dent also.

As for adding a second team, if you can get a 2nd team and it's funded...why wouldn't you add it? The only reason a RCR, JGR or GEM wouldn't be interested is because they can get a $20 million sponsor and a Chase contending driver. I wouldn't be surprised if RGM can't get this deal because I'm sure Yates and Bill Davis Racing would be willing to offer more money to Riggs and take less for State Water Heaters.

Yates even stated earlier in the year, "We have to have 2 teams to compete at this level to even be a Top 25 team. We will field both teams with or without sponsors this year. It's both or bust for us! We can't afford to scale back to one team."

Bill Davis recently stated, "We should announce our sponsor for next year soon and anticipate announcing a sponsor for a 2nd team as well. We realize we have to field atleast 2 teams. You have twice the resources, twice the information and twice the feedback. We don't want to be racing all year to stay in the Top 35, we want to be racing for wins. There's a reason a single car team hasn't won in years, but you don't have to look to far back to see teams that won with only a 2 car operation."
Robby has two seperate companies-one for NASCAR and one for offroad. If you know anything about business, you know the monies don't (or shouldn't) cross. He said himself that the loss on the offroad side did not take funds from the Cup program.
Was it Robby's fault that Ronn Bailey was a total asshole and the Vanguard thing turned to shit? Maybe he isn't a great judge of character, but Ronn brought a bunch of cash with him I'm sure. Vegas is FULL of rich guys who dabble in the offroad scene. Just look at the entry lists. Ronn was lucky that RG even gave him the time of day. I don't see how RG can be blamed for that.

I know they're two separate companies. I do know about business since I own 3 myself and agree funds shouldn't cross or be borrowed from one company to rescue the other. What I stated was the situation had a toll on Robby and it effected the Cup side. In November, before Dakar was cancelled, Robby didn't have a off road event taking place the week before Talladega. When everything was changed, not to mention contracts (which lead to lawsuits), testing and everything else that encompossed the make up event, it had an effect on Robby and RGM.

You add that to the change of manufactures, swapping of crew chiefs and Camping Wolrd misunderstanding, you end up with these results.

I find it hard to believe that Robby would have skipped the Pocono test had he not been preparing for the off road race. It's very evident that skipping that test was costly, with the results at the 2 Pocono races and Indy (Which Robby quoted they were bringing their best car).

I'm a diehard Robby fan, but the hit he received at Dakar has effected him in a big way on the Cup side.
I saw Robby just hours after he did a test for the Hummers and if you'd seen the look on his face when I asked him about how it went, you'd know that it's the offroad that keeps him going. It rejuvenates the man. He can always get PJ or someone to test the damn car. He needs the offroad for sanity!
The last thing Robby needs is to fire his existing crew cheif and hire a new one. He needs some continuity in this position. I'm not sure how many crew cheifs Robby's had so far this year, but I think this is number 3.

As far as a potential teammate, I think he should go with either Scott Speed or Boris Said. Boris is popular with the fans, has a connection to No Fear, and is flat out a good driver. Scott Speed seems to have a natural talent for stock cars, and should be snapped up before anyone else does.

Lastly, I am so bummed out that Robby decided not to go to Montreal. Not sure why he didn't go, but I'd imagine it was to concentrate on his Sprint Cup car. But to pass up a possible victory just to finish (almost) last again is just heartbreaking to a Robby fan. Plus the Montreal race was just a blast, with a good variety of talent and different driving conditions.

Can't wait until Watkins Glen next weekend.
2 Crew Chiefs this year. Frank Kerr and Walter Giles.
I think you missed the point. Going after Scott Riggs would be a package deal (sponsorship from State Water Heaters).

Scott Speed is part of the futue at Red Bull, so doubtful Red Bull would let him go.

Boris Said has limited sponsorship (maybe for 5 races a year).

Scott Riggs would bring a full sponsor. I wouldn't think most teams would be beating down Riggs door to hire him, but the fact he brings sponsorship with him will make him more attractive as a hire.

This same situation happened a few years back when Hut Stricklin had Hills Bros Coffee as a package deal. He had meetings with Cal Wells (Ford), Andy Petree (Chevy) and Bill Davis (Dodge). Hut & Hill Bros signed with Bill Davis (who offered $2 million less than Wells or Petree). Hut missed the Daytona 500 cut when Rusty came to pit row during teh 125's and took a Champions Provisional to allow Shawna Robinson to make the field.
The team struggled all year and Hut was released after the Bristol night race when Jeremy Mayfield wrecked him. Hut came out later and stated that owner Bill Davis gave him all of Ward Burton's cars from the year before while building new cars for Ward. Ward finished 14th in points and resigned CAT to an extension.
One thing I would be doing today if I were in RG's shoes is find a CUP "Roommate" Not a partner, not a co-owner but a CUP, Truck or Busch team that can share the space and resources of RGM. This way RG can keep all his stuff and status but through osmosis ideas are cultivated.
Walter has gotten us two top 20 finishes. The point i was trying to make was that guys have been fired at RGM that have performed much better. Ex. Frank Kerr and Gene Nead.
Point well taken, but that doesn't mean it was the right decision then either.


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