Herd that Robby is in vegas this week test shock setup on TT truck, For primm race

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Baja Bill you were asking about uncle Max the email I got today from Lou was that he his starting to show some inprovement, From the cew it sound like primm will be the priority on that saturday!
Is it even in Primm now??? Moved to Loreto Texas???? Herbst don't like penalties????
Hey Fly, do they even own the place anymore? Rumors were that it was being sold just as the bankruptcy happened it.
The Herbst filed BK on all there gaming the banks now own primm valley, it was in the june off-road advertiser
This is true the Herbst Family no longer owns any of their 15 casino's. But the Primm casino's will still be called The Terrible Primm Valley Resorts.

The Herbst originally filed for Chapter 11. Their filings with the government showed that the company was making money, but not enough to meet lenders requirements. Terrible Herbst Gaming could not meet their debt agreements, so the lenders and the Herbst family made a deal. All of the casinos would be split off and given to the lenders. By doing this it would assure that the casino's stayed open and they would not have to lay any employee's off.

Also part of the deal was that the Herbst would keep their Nevada slot routes, those are the slot machines inside the gas stations, grocery stores and bars across the state.

And the Terrible Herbst Gaming bankruptcy does not apply to the gas station part of the company. That's a separate company which is owned by Jerry Herbst the 3 boy's father.
Next big hotel group headed for bankruptcy is Stations, like Red Rock and Green Valley Ranch so anyone coming to Vegas might want to steer clear of those properties since they've really gone downhill.
I saw a black truck with Monster on the side on an open trailer on I-15 northbound near Victorville yesterday. I didn't get a long enough look to tell if it was a TT or a short course truck, or if it was even Robby's.
Heard the truck spent some time upside down during testing...


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