NASCAR suspends Sprint Cup driver under terms of drug policy

By Jim Utter -
Saturday, May. 09, 2009
NASCAR has suspended a Sprint Cup driver under terms of its substance abuse policy - immediately and indefinitely - in advance of Saturday nightís race at Darlington (S.C.) Raceway, and The Charlotte Observer have learned.

Sources said the driver, who has not been identified by officials, was found to have violated Sections 12-1 (actions detrimental to stock car racing) and 7-5 (violation of the NASCAR substance abuse policy) of the 2009 NASCAR rule book. The determination was based on findings at last weekendís race at Richmond (Va.) International Raceway.

NASCAR on Saturday declined to discuss the matter, saying that questions would be dealt with in a news conference at the South Carolina track on Saturday at 6 p.m.

Such a suspension would be the first under NASCARís drug policies for a driver at the top level, the Spring Cup Series.

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If the injunction is NOT overturned by nascar then Mayfield is expected to attempt Indy.
I hope he makes it and qualifies for the race.
Mayfield will not be at Indy. Even if he is cleared again, nobody will risk being affiliated with him. He needs to save face and hold a press conference and admit he has a problem and seek help asap. America likes a comeback.
I agree if he is a user. I am still not sure he is using. For some reason I believe him.
Jayski reported that a fortune 500 company is looking into sponsoring mayfield along with one of his previous sponsors so its not out of the question! Plus i doubt Mayfield used anything Nascar is too afraid to admit they made a mistake in the preious tests and wont admit defeat. America doesnt like bull $hit.
I'm not at all convinced he's using but, given Wooten's statement, it's pretty clear he wont be at Indy. Somebody besides his stepmother with her goofy unbelievable story, would have come forward. Didn't 2 crew members also test positive? I wonder where they are.
This makes you know you can't trust NASCAR
Wow..Stepmom even claims Jeremy was MANUFACTURING it!!!!

An affidavit by Mayfield's stepmother, Lisa, said "she has personal knowledge of Mr. Mayfield using and even manufacturing methamphetamine, including his usage of methamphetamine before a race as far back as a decade ago."

That's a pretty bold statement...and given her relationship (or lack thereof) with Mayfield...credibility is an issue...yeah this is WAY entertaining...

She claims he did it in front of her and others ""I saw Jeremy use methamphetamine by snorting it up his nose at least [30] times during the [7] years I was around him. Jeremy used methamphetamines not only in my presence, but also when we were both in the presence of others"

...well she should be able to name the "others" to coorborate this story? Or did she forget those names but can actually and vividly recount 30 individual times Jeremy used meth?

I hope for Nascar's sake they are on the up and up, because they will get HAMMERED if they are effing around falsifying crap and conjouring up false testimony.
Does anyone really beleive he could have hidden this for that long with no one saying anything that wouldn't be on record somewhere?

If he is scamming us, and reall is a user, then screw him for sure. But I really don't see a tweeker putting on a creidible act for that long, given the career he's in.
I agree Alan...I HATE Mayfield, but I cannot fathom a meth head as Nascar claims he is would be that diligent and carefuly to cover his tracks and not get cuaght for 10 yrs in this day and age of technology, cell phones, etc...there would be a Mayfield doing Meth you tube video by
I also cannot believe Nascar used the same lab thats involved in thelawsuit to test the new sample?? WTF??

People regualrly ask me if I think Nascar's lawyers are stupid..and I repeatedly say "YES!"
Yeah...that lab is one of the defendants in the suit Mayfield filed. of course the defendant is going to find the test positive. If they found it negative, then the original case is won by Mayfield and ALL the defendants owe him a large pot of money.

NASCRAP has the perception that it is run by a bunch of rednecked yahoos (no offense to rednecks or yahoos), and they have gone out of their way to make that perception a reality by the latest shenanigans. May as well take it to arbitration and have Jerry Springer be the arbitrator. Let me they're going to get an ex-girlfriend of his to state that he has been a user all his life.

Anyone remember whatever happened to Brian France's drunk driving incident where he left the seen of the crime? If I recall correctly, there was some kind of large payout and everything got swept under the rug?
Exactly. Mayfield as a driver is a joke, and good ridance to him - he won't be missed on track. But he's either the most clever druggie ever to get away with this so long, or he's being screwed - and I don't really think he's that clever (or he would have held on to one of his better driving gigs).


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