NASCAR suspends Sprint Cup driver under terms of drug policy

By Jim Utter -
Saturday, May. 09, 2009
NASCAR has suspended a Sprint Cup driver under terms of its substance abuse policy - immediately and indefinitely - in advance of Saturday nightís race at Darlington (S.C.) Raceway, and The Charlotte Observer have learned.

Sources said the driver, who has not been identified by officials, was found to have violated Sections 12-1 (actions detrimental to stock car racing) and 7-5 (violation of the NASCAR substance abuse policy) of the 2009 NASCAR rule book. The determination was based on findings at last weekendís race at Richmond (Va.) International Raceway.

NASCAR on Saturday declined to discuss the matter, saying that questions would be dealt with in a news conference at the South Carolina track on Saturday at 6 p.m.

Such a suspension would be the first under NASCARís drug policies for a driver at the top level, the Spring Cup Series.

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Yeah, and then the stepmom thing really spins it all up. If she is lying in her affidavit, as Mayfield claims, can't she be criminally charged for perjury? And if so, could NASCAR itself be charged with Subornation of perjury? This could get real, real expensive for NASCAR.

Did you read where Jeremy has had private investigators checking into hi stepmom, and her role in his fathers death? The "official" cause of death was a self inflicted gunshot wound to the chest. Huh? I'm no gun expert, but wouldn't it be a whole lot more accurate and reliable to off yourself by aiming at your tonsils?
She's being served with a wrongful death suit (civil) real soon apparantly. At the very best Nascar's lawyers severely erred in judgment accepting, taking and submitting an affadavit from her when she can EASILY be discredited.

I hope for Nascar's sake that's all it was and she came forward willingly and unilaterally gave those statements.
Failed another test July 6. The guy is cooked. And the lack of drivers, crew, etc coming out to defend him pretty much to me shows there is reasonable doubt about him with others in the sport. Both he and his wife seem a bit loco with or without drugs.

Anyway, his dad died in 2007 and now he is just now going to place a wrongful death suit on the step mom? Both him and his step mom have a timing issue with their claims and counter claims. is called a 2 year statute of Most of the time you need to investigate and gather enough information so that you can actually file a lawsuit (you just cannot claim something without supporting evidence in your complaint, your suit will get thrown out).

Now as to the factual accuracy of the evidence you purport to back your claim...well thats what the judge and/or juries are for :)
There is no statue of limitation for murder in any state.
and if Mayfields stepmom was bringing brought up on charges of murder I would agree with you.

It is my understanding that Mayfield is filing a wrongful death suit against his stepmom, whihc is a civil action and subject to a statute of limitations.

From (
"Every state has a limit on the amount of time a person has to file a wrongful death lawsuit in court. The length of time can vary, from one year to as long as three years. This time limit is called the statute of limitations"

Granted, the fact that I am a lawyer and STAYED at a Holiday Inn last night, I did not need to reference the above..but I just wanted to show I wasn't blowing smoke up anyone's
**edit** and if Mayfields stepmom was bringing brought up on charges of murder I would agree with you (but only for 1st degree murder...some states have SOL for 2nd, 3rd, manslaughter, etc.).

I thought that sounded wrong when I typed it and I had to correct myself..maybe I should get my $$ back from Holiday
I have seen firsthand what meth can do to a person, and it is not a pretty site. If he is a habitual user, then he is one together user. My hopes would be for a test not appointed by Mayfield or NASCAR. A totally unbiased source if that exist. I can't throw stones at the man and call him a meth-head as some are doing. I read about the documentary filming on Jayski, and Buddy Baker had no clue that he was calling in. What does he have to lose at this point? I would do whatever I could to proove my innocence. This is definitely ongoing, and now,we have another reality show to look forward to.
I have to side with Mayfield because NASCAR has shown me that they don't like Single Car Teams. Look what they did to Carl Long and look what they tried to do to Robby last year with that Nose thing. For mayfield's Lab to show a negative result, NASCAR taking way longer to get the results, Nascar denying Mayfield to go to a few requested Labs to test sample "B" just tells me NASCAR must of used that extra time to Taint the results from Sample A.
Trumped up drug accusations because they don't like single car teams? Too black helicopter conspiracy theory to me. Single teams get screwed by Nascar because they don't have leverage like the big teams not because they are the lone wolves. Anyway,Nascar knows that for many fans, you could will up the field with trained monkeys driving cars just as long as Jr. was in front. hahahaha

He failed his drug test twice. How many times did RG, JJ, JG, Busch bros, and all the others fail theirs? Zero.

As big and evil Nascar is, they are not going to Rat-F*ck Mayfield because they don't like single teams, they don't like him, or any other reason. His piss is dirty. And his weird behavior in the past few years shows he is kinda kooko too.
Oh I'm sure Nascar is responding with guns blazing..which gets me back to my first post of the day...that each side is in FAR too deep to blink at this point...and there is too much at stake..far beyond just a David vs Goliath pissing match. (pun intended)

In a vacuum what Nascar claims and can present sounds reasonable and true...

In a vacuum, what Mayfield offered as a plausible explanation for the first positive test and that he can show he's been clean ever since via independent testing sounds believable, too.

Bu the facts and details being fought over in this case are fascinating. The expert testimony will be huge, as they will have to explain whether a gas flame chromography with a hemi and dual hurst on the floor or whatever the hell Aegis uses can 100% accurately every time distignuish or "break out" between these substances. It is my experience in life that nothing is 100% accurate 100% of the time...
As for Mayfield's stepmom, her credibility is a huge issue and the veracity of her affidavit certainly is questionable. I would LOVE to see that cross exam on Court TV!

crack open the beers and enjoy this ride!
Jeremy sounds very sincere (frustrated, but sincere) in his TV interview on this site. If he's a liar, he's a good one. Oh, his own cameraman can be seen in the video too.


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