I still dont think that there has been a true owner driver in this series other than robby right now. Tony has a teem that has been running and is basicly in a hendrick car and motor. I think you could have thrown bors said in this car and ran well. (not a knock on boris. love that guy). When another owner driver comes around with all the changes and bs of nascar COT. No one could have done it better. It might take time but I do see Robby getting in the chase with in the next 5 years. I wouild love more sponsors for Robby to run a second car next year, I feel that this would help the team so much more. Just to get more info.

Whats your thoughts

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Do you remember when owners were only allowed to field 2 cars? They started putting them in everyone else's name back then. Jeff Gordon owns #48, some of them put their wives on etc. Not sure if that rule still exists but might explain.
He'll never succeed, he'll never win, he'll never do well, he'll never be competitive even...wow
As a fan, I'll have to be content to watch him run somewhere in the middle or back half of the pack.

No really dashmn, tell us how you feel.

I gotta tell you, the only thing I can agree with you on is he's not well funded. He's got great sponsors, but he's running his operation on about 1/2, to 2/3 the $ that any good single car is. Yes, thats a huge obsticle to overcome. However, Rob,& his sales staff are working diligently right now to secure sponsors whose $ will help RGM overcome that obsticle.
As for Robby being OK riding around, you obviously don't know jack about Robby Gordon. Thats the thing Rob loves to do...race. The guy doesn't like riding on the highway. The whole "just cruising" thing is strategy...to win. Thats the only reason it's done. Win the race without using up the equipment. If he had the unlimited budget of other teams, Hendrick boys would shit bricks when the 7 comes in their mirror. However, it's all about that budget. If you really feel the way you stated, then I'll ask you kindly to do 1 of 2 things, find another driver, or shut up till things turn around...either way knock off that never, can't, won't bullshit
If you really believe this then why are you here?? What makes you an RG fan?? Who cares what NASCAR wants? It doesn't shape me and sure shouldn't shape Robby. He's the only one car team that has sponsors most races and he's okay when he doesn't. Are you a Robby fan or a NASCAR fan? Cause you sure don't sound like you believe in him. You don't sound like you want him to succeed in his own way. And I don't think selling out.... aligning with another team... would make him more competitive. If anything, it would break his spirit. Then would you be happy?? Speak for yourself if you want to see him sell out. Don't cast an ugly shadow on RG fans as a whole because IMO most of us would stand behind him no matter what he decides to do. I sure hope he doesn't read these posts to hear what some of you are thinking.
Yep.... I've often thought the same thing. Pretty observant for a newbie... Good for you! I don't know why I take this so personally but I do.
Since he isn't willing to do so, I'd have to think he'd be going against his inner grain even if he did align. Anything you do against what you believe to be right just will not work for the best. Yes, you're correct that they're at a disadvantage. But that's what makes it such a challenge. And why I think he wants it this way. That's good enough for me.
"Dude" I am realistic,& I can take plenty more heat than you can dish. I'm not havin a heart attack over anything, so no need to get your panties in a wad. This shit is old Mike! I come on here to be informed, get knowledge, share knowledge, & have a good laugh, not to listen to people (alleged fans at that) say he can't, he won't wah, wah, wah. If you read my whole post there, it's all about sponsorship, getting ther dollars. No shit he can't compete with the RCR's & HMS' without being close to their budget& resourse pool. What happened to this sponsor,& that sponsor??? I dunno, what happened to DeWalt, Goodwrench, USG Sheetrock, Tropicana, Kraft Foods, Pfizer, or any of the other big cash cows that have left the sport in the last few years?
By the way, I don't sugar coat a damn thing. & if you call some jackass who feels the need to tell everybody on a fan site that their driver will never accomplish anything a fan, buddy it's you who needs a reality check.
Sheesh, the guy who is ranked 125th on the PGA money list must really be a loser....lol..

if only he could hit the ball 350 yards.....
I ddn't say he wouldn't be competetive, I stated that he wouldn't make the chase if things continue on the same path of Nascar and Robby's lack of full funding. He is not a start and park car by no means and I know for certain that he is not content to ride around a lap down. Have you ever listened in on the scanner during a race? Next to Bobby Labonte, he is one of the most colorful drivers on the radio and he does not hold back.

In order to make the chase you have to run well at ALL tracks. RGM is not there yet and it will take some $$ to get there. Believe it or not, I am still hopeful of a top-15 if not a top-10 this weekend at Pocono. He wasn't at Pocono the entire weekend in June but he will be there Friday and Saturday for the practices and hopefully it will make a difference on Sunday. I don't want to go there with a #7 JB hat and RGM shirt to watch him go a lap down and ride around. If I wanted to do that, I would do that I would visit the John Andretti site and wear Taco Bell paraphernalia this weekend.
Kudos Rob, well said
No worries... takes a while to go a lap down in Pocono so you needn't be concerned. I don't think ANYBODY, most of all Robby, wants to see him just drive around a lap down or wants to think that he's only riding around to collect the purse. EVERYBODY wants to see him more competitive, we just seem to all have different definitions of what that means.

The negativity here continues to amaze me. IMHO, Robby is a winner even if he never takes the checkers. He's playing hard against the big boys and makes continual improvement in ways that aren't always reflected in the finishing order. HELL YEA I want to see him win and I'm not a very nice person to be around if he wrecks or finishes bad for any reason. I get as upset as anyone. However, he knows what he's doing. He won't be successful if he does it any other way than his, he'd be selling out. What makes me angrier than a bad finish is reading posts from supposed fans who diss him. There are 42 other drivers on the track. Maybe one of them would suit you better.

How about a Hendrick driver? There are enough of them in the field. The guy's a convicted felon but his cars win. Isn't that all that matters to some of you? What about Stewart/Haas? Gene Haas is finally out of prison. But his cars win. Yet I would label them all a loser, despite the wins. Funny what makes some people labeled a winner...
Easy on the felonious labels there Vak. I gotta say, there are definitely some good people who've made bad judgement calls. I can personaly say that in many cases all that seperates an "upstanding citizen" from a felon is one of them got caught. Besides, all that is irrelevant when pertaining to racing. Other than that, IMHO your dead on, bullseye babe!
I hear 'ya.... and a lot of those good people in jail are likely my relatives!

I'm just not of the "whatever it takes" school. If you stand behind what you believe is right, you're a winner. Sooner or later the cream always rises to the top. And it's so much sweeter when it does.


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